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High School Reform Strategy Toolkit
The implementation checklist for college awareness: A product of the High School Reform Strategy Toolkit
High School Reform Strategy Toolkit
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This checklist helps high schools to make sure they are promoting college-going and giving students access to information, resources, and support networks.
This checklist helps high schools to make sure they are promoting college-going and giving students access to information, resources, and support networks.
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Associated Keywords:
Early Awareness/College Knowledge/College Planning
Expectations/College-Going Culture/Peer Support
High School/HS Reform
Publication/Research Report/Policy Brief
Similar Items:
Breaking through the barriers to college: Empowering low-income communities, schools, and families for college opportunity and student financial aid
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From assets to school outcomes: How finances shape children's perceived possibilities and intentions
From aspirations to action: The role of middle school parents in making the dream of college a reality
A voice from the middle: Highlights of the 2007 NASSP/PDK Middle School Student Poll
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High schools for equity: Policy supports for student learning in communities of color
Rethinking high school: Preparing students for success in college, career, and life
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Facts for education advocates: School counseling, access and persistence
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A developmental perspective on workplace readiness: Preparing high school students for success
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Tools for Latino family outreach: Supporting student success in the middle grades and beyond
Creating a college-going culture guide
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Transfer access to elite colleges and universities in the United States: Threading the needle of the American dream
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High School Reform Strategy Toolkit
A developmental perspective for high school practitioners on college and workplace readiness
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College-going culture rubric
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Transforming statewide high school assessment systems: A guide for state policymakers
RTI Action Network
Student loans: Avoiding deceptive offers
Lessons from the Lone Star state: Designing a sustainable model to expand early college high school in Texas
International Benchmarking Toolkit
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Using early-warning data to improve graduation rates: Closing cracks in the education system
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Ensuring college success: Scaffolding experiences for students and faculty in an early college high school
Modeling Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): Campus practices that work for Latino students
Deciding on postsecondary education: Final report
Access and persistence: Winter 2006
It's my life: Postsecondary education and training
Get ready for college: A college planning guide and workbook for students in grades 9 through 12
The expectations gap: A 50 state review of high school graduation requirements
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Getting there–and beyond: Building a culture of college-going in high schools
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National College Access Program Directory
Supporting high school students in the transition to college
Reinventing the American high school for the twenty-first century
Forgotten students: American Indian high school students' narratives on college going
Increasing the achievement of Native American youth at early college high schools
Keeping students in school: What other states are doing for at-risk students
The college ladder: Linking secondary and postsecondary education for success for all students
Finance and resource issues in high school reform
Postsecondary Access for Latino Middle Grades Students (PALMS)
Pathways to improving practice: How can pre-college outreach programs use data to make decisions
Creating helping environments for college-going: The CHEPA CHEC-list for counselors
Strategies for success: Six stories of increasing college access
College knowledge: Addressing information barriers to college
Breaking barriers: A case study of two high performing high schools
ACT policy report: Schools involving parents in early postsecondary planning
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Student readiness for college: Connecting state policies
Add and subtract: Dual enrollment as a state strategy to increase postsecondary success for underrepresented students
Tips for parents with middle school teens: Countdown to college
A framework and recommendations for federal action on secondary school reform
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From High School to College: Removing Barriers for Maine Students (Barriers II)
Boys and schools: Improving the health, education, and well-being of boys
A matter of trust: Ten key insights from recent public opinion research on attitudes about education among Hispanic parents
Dropout prevention
Youth and schools today: Why SEL is needed
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Recommendations for addressing the needs of English Language Learners
Paving the road to college: How school counselors help students succeed
Closing the graduation gap: A superintendent's guide for planning multiple pathways to graduation
Building a better bridge: Helping young adults enter and succeed in college
Strategic designs: Lessons from leading edge small urban high schools
UpwardBound math-science: STEM education that works
Financial aid consultants and scholarship search services fact sheet
Essential elements of engagement: High expectations and high support
From high school to the future: The pathway to 20
Making the case for community colleges: Tools for communications advocacy
USA Funds Unlock the Future
Think college? Me? Now?
Meeting the invention challenge
State early commitment programs: A contract for college success?
Beyond test scores: Leading indicators for education
Educating English language learners at the high school level: A coherent approach to district- and school-level support
High school course-taking patterns for English Language Learners: A case study from California
Selected states response to supporting high school English language learners
Funding dual credit programs: What do we know? What should we know?
Growing pains in the advanced placement program: Do tough trade-offs lie ahead?
Crisis prevention and response on-line clearinghouse
Doing what works
Making college and career readiness the mission for high schools: A guide for state policymakers
College credit in high school: Access and success for low-income and minority students
Community college success: Is it a pathway to opportunity?
Funding education beyond high school: The guide to federal student aid
NASFAA's cash for college
ASCA National standards for students
Ensuring equal opportunity in public education: How local school district funding policies hurt disadvantaged students and what federal policy can do about it
Closing the expectations gap 2009: Fourth annual 50-state progress report on the alignment of high school policies with the demands of college and careers
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and student benefits: Implications for the safe schools/healthy students core elements
College outcomes comparisons by AP and non-AP high school experiences
Legal Center for Foster Care and Education
A synthesis of grade retention research: Looking backward and moving forward
Is your local high school making the grade? 10 Elements of a successful high school
Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act (H.R. 6893) Summary
The nation's report card: NAEP 2008: Trends in academic progress
Access to success: Patterns of advanced placement participation in U.S. high schools
Improving the distribution of teachers in low-performing high schools
Developing early warning systems to identify potential high school dropout
Early and often: Designing a comprehensive system of financial aid information
Rethinking high school: Supporting all students to be college-ready in math
The connection strategy: Preparing young people to succeed in college and beyond
Leveraging postsecondary partners to build a college-going culture: Tools for high school-postsecondary partnerships
Do support services at community colleges encourage success or reproduce disadvantage?
Closing the expectations gap, 2008
Crafting a new vision for high school: How states can join academic and technical studies to promote more powerful learning
Mapping Your Future
What is a college culture? Facilitating college preparation through organizational change
College readiness: Helping all students access and succeed in higher education
The study of economic, informational, and cultural barriers to community college student transfer access at selective institutions: National estimates of transfer access and baccalaureate degree attainment at four-year colleges and universities
Five academic reasons why state virtual schools are important to your state
Supporting ninth-grade students to achieve in high school and preparing seniors for postsecondary education and a career
The governance divide: A report on a four-state study on improving college readiness and success
Head start on college: Dual enrollment strategies in New England
Beyond high school: Improving transition programs for postsecondary education
First in the family: Advice about college from first-generation students
The student debt dilemma: Debt aversion as a barrier to college access
A profile of the American high school sophomore in 2002
A call to action: Transforming high school for all youth
Ready for college and ready for work: Same or different
Dollars and sense II: Lessons from good, cost-effective small schools
Negotiating their futures: Ethnographic research informing K-16 college policies and practices through urban youth’s eyes
What role can dual enrollment programs play in easing the transition between high school and postsecondary education
The American diploma project: Overview of research
Increasing the college preparedness of at-risk students
Dual enrollment: Accelerating the transition to college
Improving college access for minority, low-income, and first-generation students
Counseling and college counseling in America’s high schools
Creating seamless educational transitions for urban African American and Hispanic students
Beyond empty promises: Policies to improve transitions into colleges and jobs
Stalled in secondary: A look at student achievement since the No Child Left Behind act
Lesser and greater expectations: The wasted senior year and college-level study in high school
The ABC's of early awareness: A resource guide and toolkit for helping students achieve a higher education
Show us the money: Low-income students, families, and financial aid
Increasing academic rigor in high schools: Stakeholder perspectives
Hitting home: Quality, cost, and access challenges confronting higher education today
Straight from the source: What works for first-generation college students
College scholarships for Latino students: Are opportunities being missed?
Paving the way to postsecondary education: K-12 intervention programs for underrepresented youth
Results that matter: New technology high school at a glance
Career academies: Impacts on students' engagement and performance in high school
Guide to creating community-based college access programs
Rules of the game: How state policy creates barriers to degree completion and impedes student success
Accelerated learning for all
Helping students make good decisions and act on them: The real meaning of guidance and advisement
Latinos in secondary education
Update to state dual enrollment policies: Addressing access and quality
Getting ready for college: What student engagement data can tell us
Pathways to improving practice: Improving college access through mentoring
How do pre-collegiate outreach programs impact college-going among underrepresented students
Student success: Statewide P-16 systems -- early outreach
The college and financial aid guide for: AB540 undocumented immigrant students
Academic pathways to college: Policies and practices of the fifty states to reach underserved students
The role of the guidance profession in a shifting education system
Getting serious about high school graduation
Designing and financing an integrated program of college study: Lessons from the California Academy of Liberal Studies
Financing early colleges for native youth
Career development interventions and academic self-efficacy: A pilot study
Big buildings, small schools: Using a small schools strategy for high school reform
Career and technical education reforms and comprehensive school reforms in high schools: Their impact on education outcomes for at-risk youth
Making good on a promise: What policymakers can do to support the educational persistence of dropouts
Position paper on the reauthorization of higher education act
Thinking about smart districts, from Voices in Urban Education
NDSFA: Getting the most out of federal aid spending -- encouraging colleges and universities to promote the common good
Reclaiming the American dream
Early commitment financial aid programs
Life after high school: Young people talk about their hopes and prospects
Pre-college academic programs and interventions
High school counselors handbook 2004-05
Supporting parent, family, and community involvement in your school
Identifying potential dropouts: Key lessons for building and early warning data system: A dual agenda of high standards and high graduation rates
Helping equip teachers to answer students’ questions on college knowledge
Academic interventions to help students meet rigorous standards: State policy options
Toward ensuring a smooth transition into high school
Tough choices or tough times: The report of the new commission on the skills of the American workforce
Career academies: Impacts on labor market outcomes and educational attainment
Addressing America's dropout challenge: State efforts to boost graduation rates require federal support
Indian students and college preparation
Bridging the gap between high school and college
Reading to achieve: A governor's guide to adolescent literacy
Embedding college readiness indicators in high school curriculum and assessment
Ticket to nowhere: The gap between leaving high school and entering college and high performance jobs
Betraying the college dream: How disconnected K-12 and postsecondary education systems undermine student aspirations
Encouraging news for college bound foster youth
The early college high school: The initiative at a glance
College readiness begins in middle school
Closing the gap: High achievement for students of color
Locating the dropout crisis: Which high schools produce the nation’s dropouts? Where are they located? Who attends them
Raising our sights: No high school senior left behind
School-to-college transitions: Challenges and prospects
On course for success: A close look at high school courses that prepare students for college
Creating college opportunities for all: Prepared students and affordable colleges
Decisions without direction: Career guidance and decision-making among American youth
College success programs
Dollars and sense: The cost effectiveness of small schools
High school reform and work: Facing labor market realities
Getting ready for college early: A handbook for parents of students in the middle and high school years
Cultural issues related to high school reform: Deciphering the case of black males
Ready to succeed: All students prepared for college and work
ACSFA policy brief: The toolbox and student aid policy
Primary progress, secondary challenge
Gaining traction, gaining ground: How some high schools accelerate learning for struggling students
Closing the expectations gap: 2006
It's kind of different: Student experiences in two early college high schools
Policy on dual credit courses taught in high schools by high school faculty
Transition from high school to postsecondary education and employment for students with disabilities
An action agenda for improving America's high schools
Bridging the gap: Academic preparation and postsecondary success of first generation students
The 2003 Brown Center report on American education: How well are American students learning?
Integrating grades 9 through 14: State policies to support and sustain early college high school
The secondary and technical education excellence act of 2003: Overview for FY 2004 budget release
Some things do make a difference for youth and More things that do make a difference for youth
The ABC's of school-based mentoring
Peer tutoring and mentoring services for disadvantaged secondary school students
Getting students to meet challenging academic and career goals: Involving school mentors, parents, and community leaders
New teacher support pays off: A return on investment for educators and kids
Private school participants in programs under the No Child Left Behind Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: Private school and public school district perspectives
Tips for parents with high school teens: Countdown to college
Enhancing student services at Lorain County Community College: Early results from the Opening the Doors demonstration in Ohio
Power tools: Designing state community college data and performance measurement systems to increase student success
Building a culture of evidence for community college student success: Early progress in the Achieving the Dream initiative
Building a culture of evidence in community colleges: Lessons from exemplary institutions
Are private high schools better academically than public high schools?
What your community can do to end it's drop-out crisis: Learnings from research and practice
A plan to improve the quality of teaching in American schools
Information sharing could help institutions identify and address challenges some Asian Americans and Pacific Islander students face
Connected by 25: Financing entrepreneurship programs for youth transitioning out of foster care
Helping low-wage workers persist in education programs
A good start: Two-year effects of a freshman learning community program at Kingsborough Community College
Center for Native Education: Frequently asked questions and fact sheet
If higher education listened to me...
The Perkins Act of 2006: Connecting career and technical education with the college and career readiness agenda
Postsecondary options and accomodations available for students with intellectual or developmental disabilities
Education at a glance 2007
Course-taking patterns and preparation for postsecondary education in California's public university systems among minority youth
Trends among high school seniors 1972-2004
Back to basics: Improving college readiness of community college students
An early alert system for remediation needs of entering community college students: Leveraging the California standards test
Evaluating the impact of interventions that promote successful transitions from high school
Measuring and improving the effectiveness of high school teachers
Achieving college access goals: The relevance of new media in reaching first-generation and low-income teens
The building blocks of success: Higher-level math for all students
Building Educated Leaders for Life (BELL)
Race to the top: Promising approaches to achieving college- and career-ready goals
Action required: Addressing the nation's lowest performing high schools
From qualifications to results: Promoting teacher effectiveness through federal policy
Noncognitive assessment and college success: The case of the Gates Millennium Scholars
The challenge to the states: Preserving college access and affordability in a time of crisis
The 5th annual AP report to the nation
Connecting social and emotional learning with mental health
Graduation Challenge Database
Recent changes to eligibility requirements and additional efforts to promote awareness could increase Academic Competitiveness and SMART Grant participation
Funding education beyond high school: The guide to federal student aid (Spanish Language Version)
Parent and student guide to federal tax benefits for tuition and fees for tax year 2007
The cost of small high schools: A literature review
Communities in Schools
Alternative high school initiative (AHSI)
One-in-five and growing fast: A profile of Hispanic public school students
Counting on graduation: An agenda for state leadership
Examining the pre-college attributes and values of Latina/o graduates
Sizing up state standards: 2008
Removing the roadblocks: Fair college opportunities for all California students
Facts for education advocates: Demographics and the racial divide in today's schools
Next generation state data system: What is needed to support the next generation assessment and accountability systems
The Equity Project
Eight elements of high school improvement: A mapping framework
Meeting the needs of significantly struggling learners in high school: A look at approaches to tiered intervention
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Using ARRA funds to drive school reform and improvement
A critical mission: Making adolescent reading an immediate priority in SREB states
Transforming America's community colleges: A federal policy proposal to expand opportunity and promote economic prosperity
The Education Equality Project: Improving teacher quality
A plan for success: Communities of color define policy priorities for high school reform
College rankings: History, criticism and reform
National opportunity to learn campaign: Lost opportunity: A 50 state report on the oppotunity to learn in America
Falling off track during the transition to high school: What we know and what can be done
Quick facts about financial aid and community colleges, 2007-08
Developing a college-going culture: What the research says and how to apply it
Connected by 25: Financing housing supports for youth transitioning out of high school
Improving low performing high schools: Searching for evidence of promise
How do American students measure up? Making sense of international comparisons
Moving beyond access: College success for low-income, first generation students
The school environment and adolescent well-being: Beyond academics
National opportunity to learn campaign: State data and analysis
Impact of college rankings on institutional decision making: Four country case studies
Adolescents and electronic media: Growing up plugged in
Summer Search
Health and health-related behaviors: Minnesota postsecondary student veterans
Center for data-driven reform in education (CDDRE)
Benefits of additional high school coursework and improved course performance in preparing students for college
Big questions, practical answers: New strategies for setting and moving a higher education agenda
Tuition equity legislation: Investing in Colorado high school graduates through equal opportunity to postsecondary education
The impact of the mortgage crisis on children
EPAS® state of the nation report 2007: Mathematics
The role of nonacademic factors in college readiness and success
Joining the conversation about educating our poorest children: Emerging leadership roles for school counselors in high-poverty schools
Benchmarking for success: Ensuring US students receive a world-class education
Core problems: Out-of-field teaching persists in key academic courses and high-poverty schools
The impact of postsecondary remediation using a regression discontinuity approach: Address endogenous sorting and noncompliance
State policies on student transitions: Results of a 50-state inventory
Case studies of leading edge small urban high schools
Barriers to college attainment: Lessons from Chicago
Do increases in Pell and other grant awards increase college-going among lower income high school graduates? Evidence from a 'natural experiment'
Charter schools in eight states: Effects on achievement, attainment, integration, and competition
Students with disabilities in U.S. high schools
Think again: The connection between education and true independence
A stronger nation through higher education: How and why Americans must meet a "big goal" for college attainment
Ready to succeed: Changing systems to give California's foster children the opportunities they deserve to be ready for and succeed in school
Gaining support from campus leaders: A project brief based on BEAMS project outcomes
Increasing student engagement through faculty development: A practice brief based on BEAMS project outcomes
Fostering Connections Act: Implementation Checklists for Education Provisions
Legal Center for Foster Care and Education (Database)
Realizing the promise: How state policy can support alternative certification programs
Teacher turnover, tenure policies, and the distribution of teacher quality: Can high-poverty schools catch a break?
Coalition for Student Achievement
Race to the top: Promising approaches to achieving teacher-related goals
Race to the top: Promising approaches to assisting the lowest-performing schools
National Association for College Admission Counseling: Statement of prinicples of good practice
Mythbusting: Breaking down confidentiality and decision-making barriers to meet the education needs of children in foster care
Out of many, one: Common state college and career-ready standards
Dropouts, diplomas, and dollars: U.S. high schools and the nation's economy
Striking the balance: Career academies combine academic rigor and workplace relevance
Opportunity matters: A journal of research informing educational opportunity, practice and programs
On ramp to college: A state policymaker's guide to dual enrollment
Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement
Dual enrollment students in Florida and New York City: Postsecondary outcomes
Graduation rate watch: Making minority student success a priority
Beating the odds: The real challenges behind the math achievement gap - and what high-achieving schools can teach us about how to close it
Lost in transition: Building a better path from school to college and careers
Knocking on the college door: Projections of high school graduates by state and race/ethnicity 1992-2022
Overcoming obstacles, optimizing opportunities: State policies to increase postsecondary attainment for low-skilled adults
Transition matters: Community college to bachelor's degree
Redesigning the ninth-grade experience: Reduce failure, improve achievement, and increase high school graduation rates
Knocking at the college door: Projections of high school graduates by state and race/ethnicity 1992-2022
What matters for staying on-track and graduating in Chicago public high schools
The promise of dual enrollment: Assessing Ohio's Early College Access Policy
Educating at-risk urban African American children: The effects of school climate on motivation and academic achievement
New Hampshire's multi-tiered approach to dropout prevention
The progress of education reform 2007: Dropout prevention
Priming the pump: Strategies for increasing the achievement of underrepresented minority undergraduates
Giving students a chance to achieve: Getting off to a fast and successful start in grade nine
Teacher credentials and student achivement in high school: A cross-subject analysis with student fixed effects
Educational programs and projects that address the needs of low-income students
Enhancing student services at Owens Community College: Early results from the Opening Doors demonstration in Ohio
College admission for homeschoolers
A college access contract
Students with learning disabilities transitioning from high school to college
Baltimore city's high school reform initiative: Schools, students, and outcomes
Factors that influence high school student mentoring relationships
Access to the most selective private colleges by high-ability, low-income students: Are they out there?
The toolbox revisited: Paths to degree completion from high school through college
Fragile futures: Risk and vulnerability among Latino high achievers
Reading between the lines: What ACT reveals about college readiness in reading
Advanced placement report to the nation: 2006
The challenges of financial aid awareness and college access
The power to change: High schools that help all students achieve
School context, student attitudes and behavior, and student achievement: An exploratory analysis
Investing in the education of older students: A summary of the evidence
The challenge of scaling up educational reform: Findings and lesson from First Things First
The Gates effect
The silent epidemic: Perspectives of high school dropouts
Examining college remediation trends in Indiana
Reaching higher ground: Parental outreach programs at the postsecondary level
Early college high school initiative: Core principles
An overview: Early college high school
Meeting five critical challenges of high school reform: Lessons from research on three reform models
National Urban League: Campaign for African American Achievement
High school guidance counselors: Facilitators or preemptors of social stratification in education
Does implementing a research based school counseling curriculum enhance student achievement
Interventions for helping students at risk of dropping out of school
Do expenditures for student support services lead to demonstrable gains in student achievement
How to improve access to college
Students as allies in improving their schools: A report on work in progress
Empty promises: The myth of college access in America
Student success: Understanding graduation and persistence rates
High school students at risk: The challenge of dropouts and pushouts
Debts and decisions: Student loans and their relationship to graduate school and career choice
Missed opportunities: A new look at disadvantaged college aspirants
From the prison track to the college track: Pathways to postsecondary success for out of school youth
Policy for progress: Reaffirming California higher education accessibility, affordability, and accountability into the 21st century
Is access to college in jeopardy in the west? Projections of high school graduates to 2012
How do educators’ cultural belief systems affect underserved students’ pursuit of postsecondary education
Academic preparation and college success: Analysis of Indiana’s 2000 high school class
Fast track to college: Increasing postsecondary success for all students
Effects of students’ middle school and high school experiences on completion of the bachelor’s degree
Choosing to improve: Voices from colleges and universities with better graduation rates
Beyond college for all: Policies and practices to improve transitions into college and jobs
The lost opportunity of senior year: Finding a better way
High school guidance counseling
Do graduation tests measure up: A closer look at state high school exit exams
Early exit: Understanding adult attrition in accelerated and traditional postsecondary programs
Dropout prevention programs: Right intent, wrong focus, and some suggestions on where to go from here
A guide to establishing community-based college access centers
Ready for tomorrow: Helping all students achieve secondary and postsecondary success
Ready or not: Creating a high school diploma that counts
Mentoring on the run: CSUN's response to the challenge of mentoring at a large, commuter campus
Courses count: Preparing students for postsecondary success
Understanding the impact and outcomes of secondary-postsecondary learning options
The economic benefits of the Dream Act and the Student Adjustment Act
An education strategy to promote opportunity, prosperity, and growth
Montana P-16 Policy Roundtable: Summary Report
Opportunities for expanding college bridge programs for out of school youth
Writing next: Effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and high school
Improving urban student achievement through early childhood reform: What state policymakers can do
Improving literacy outcomes for English language learners in high school: Considerations for states and districts in developing a coherent policy framework
Rethinking high school: Inaugural graduations at New York City's new high schools
America's high schools: The frontline in the battle for our economic future
The relationship between advanced placement and college graduation
Making sense of data-driven decision making in education
How well are states educating our neediest children?: The Fordham report 2006
Every child, every promise: Turning failure into action
Task force on the education of Maryland’s African-American males
College access: A framework for systemic program development
Closing the expectations gap 2007: An annual 50-state progress report on the alignment of high school policies with the demands of college and work
Buried treasure: Developing a management guide from mountains of school data
Rigor at risk: Reaffirming quality in the high school core curriculum (Executive Summary)
Aligned expectations: A closer look at college admissions and placement tests
Demography is not destiny: Increasing the graduation rates of low-income college students at large public universities
Managing the transition to ninth grade in a comprehensive urban high school
What works for Latino students
What student engagement data tell us about college readiness
Yes, you can: A guide to establishing mentoring programs to prepare youth for college
Expanding learning time in high schools
How outreach programs are implemented affects student achivement
Opening the door to the American dream: Increasing higher education access and success for immigrants
Middle school practices improve student achievement in high poverty schools
Toward resiliency: At-risk students who make it to college
Impact of student aid program design, operations, and marketing on the formation of family college-going plans and resulting college-going behaviors of potential students
Reframing education: The partnership strategy and public education
OECD Programme for international student assessment
Implementing graduation counts: State progress to date
College access, financial aid, and college success for undergraduates from foster care
Paying double: Inadequate high schools and community college remediation
Crisis or possibility? Conversations about the American high school
Pathways to improving practice: How can pre-college outreach programs work with schools
What we can learn from high school students
Pathways to college network parent/family involvement and community engagement annotated bibliographies
Creating schools that work
P-16 Data systems: An alignment status report
Raising the bar: Policy recommendations for high school reform
The on-track indicator as a predictor of high school graduation
The talent development high school model: Context, components, and initial impacts on ninth-grade students' engagement and performance
Washington P-16 policy roundtable: Summary report
Promoting college access and success: A review of credit-based transition programs
The high school transcript study: A decade of change in curricula and achievement, 1990-2000
Measuring what matters: Creating a longitudinal data system using data to improve student achievement
Data-driven high school reform: The Breaking Ranks model
Emerging evidence on improving high school student achivement and graduation rates: The effects of four popular improvement programs
Linking career/technical studies to broader high school reform
The relationship between career development and educational development: A selected review of the literature
Issue brief - What students need, parts 1: Dropout prevention and recovery
Academic pathways, preparation, and performance: A descriptive overview of the transcripts from the high school graduating class of 2003-04
Selected literature on high school dropouts
Charting a new course for career and technical education
Helping youth succeed through out of school time programs
Economic outcomes of high school completers and non-completers 8 years later
State of decline? Gaps in college access and achievement call for renewed commitment to educating Californians
The dropout crisis: Promising approaches in prevention and recovery
Accelerated learning options: A promising strategy for states
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and the Pathways to College Network framework: Mutually supportive visions and complementary goals
What counts: Defining and improving high school graduation rates
What do we know: Seeking effective math and science instruction
CSS taskforce on reauthorization: Recommendations for improving federal aid delivery
Federal, state, and local roles supporting alternative education
The funding gap 2004: Many states still shortchange low-income and minority students
Forum guide to education indicators
Immigrant students and secondary school reform: Compendium of best practices
Reality check 2006: Are parents and students ready for more math and science
College completion: Additional efforts could help education with its completion goals
From high school to the future: A first look at Chicago public school graduates' college enrollment, college preparation, and graduation from four-year colleges
Pathways to improving practice: Data-driven pre-college outreach programs
The how-to guide for school-business partnerships
Telling your story: A toolkit for marketing urban education
The role of academic and non-academic factors in improving college retention
Parent power and urban school reform: The story of Mothers on the Move
Evaluating the effectiveness of technology in our schools
Pathways to improving practice: How can schools develop relationships with pre-college outreach programs
Pathways to school reform: Integrating constituency building and policy work
State of college admission 2006
The impact of information and student aid on persistence: A review of research and discussion of experiments
Promoting parent involvement, improving student outcomes
Taxing matters
Leaks in the postsecondary pipeline: A survey of Americans
Improving educational opportunties for students who work
Institutional practices and student persistence: Extending the empirical record
Progress of education reform 2005: Dual enrollment
Campus diversity initiative evaluation project resource kit
The first year of high school: A quick stats fact sheet
An examination of Latina/o transfer students in California’s postsecondary institutions
Connecting education standards and employment: Course-taking patterns of young workers
High standards and high graduation rates: Moving forward on a dual agenda in Massachusetts
Boosters, brokers and bridges: Real world ideas for college access programs
Data use drives school and district improvement
Returning to our roots: Student access
The high schools Hispanics attend: Size and other key characteristics
National freshman attitudes report
Postsecondary transitions among Navajo Indians
Public education and black male students: The 2006 state report card
Opening doors: Promoting student success in community college and beyond
America's high school graduates: Results from the 2005 NAEP high school transcript study
What's at stake: The social and economic benefits of higher education
Strategies for improving student success in postsecondary education
Demography as destiny: How America can build a better future
Why the crisis in adolescent literacy demands a national response
Qualified teachers for at-risk schools: A national imperative
Effective preschool curricula and teaching strategies
Saving futures, saving dollars: The impact of education on crime reduction and earnings
Leaders and laggards: A state-by-state report card on educational effectiveness
Joint platform for education reform
California Community Colleges: Making them stronger and more affordable
Pathways to a four-year degree: Determinants of transfer and degree completion
Financing higher education
Immigrant students, urban high schools: The challenge continues
State high school exit exams: A maturing reform
Telling the whole truth (or not) about high school graduation rates
Network news: Focus on P-16 partnerships
Getting honest about grad rates: How states play the numbers and students lose
One step from the finish line: Higher college graduation rates are within our reach
Opening doors: Students’ perspectives on juggling work, family, and college
The dream deferred: Increasing the college preparedness of at-risk students
Pushed out or pulled up: Exit exams and dropout rates in public high schools
Data sources for improving college access and success
School and college partnerships: The missing link
Preserving access with excellence: Financing for rural community colleges
School counselors by state, 2002
The graduation gap: Using promoting power to examine the number and characteristics of high schools with high and low graduation rates in the nation and in each state
Comparison of selected education data and rankings for 50 states
Chance for college by age 19
High school graduation rates, college continuation rates, and chance for college by state: 1986, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, and 2000
The education pipeline in the U.S., 1970-2000
Knocking at the college door: Projections of high school graduates by state, income, and race/ethnicity
High school curriculum, diplomas, and SAT Scores: How high school curriculum and diploma choices relate to SAT scores and college choice
Latino youth and the pathway to college
How do career interventions impact the educational choices of eighth-grade students
The relationship of high school graduation exams to graduation rates and SAT scores
Capturing the college potential of students from underserved populations: An analysis of efforts to overcome social and financial barriers to college
One-third of a nation: Rising drop-out rates and declining opportunity
Findings from the Condition of Education 2001: Students whose parents did not go to college
The big payoff: Educational attainment and synthetic estimates of work-life earnings
Learning to earn
Responding to the crisis in college opportunity
The access challenge: Rethinking the causes of the new inequality
Pathways to a four-year degree: The higher education story of one generation
The burden of borrowing: A report on the rising rates of student debt
The role of student loans in college access
Dropping out of high school: The role of school organization and structure
Where have all the students gone
Raising the graduation rates of low-income college students
Redesigning high schools to prepare students for the future
Closing the aspirations-attainment gap: Implications for high school reform
What community college policies and practices are effective in promoting student success: A study of high- and low-impact institutions
Appropriate use of high stakes testing in our schools: How should student learning and achievement be measured
Public schools and economic development: What the research shows
Focus on results: An academic impact analysis of the Knowledge is Power Program
Enriching the high school curriculum through postsecondary credit-based transition programs
Improving educational outcomes for students with disabilities
Dual enrollment of high school students at postsecondary institutions: 2002-03
A new look at the institutional component of higher education finance: A guide for evaluating performance relative to financial resources
The averaged freshman graduation rate for public high schools from the common core of data: School years 2001-02 and 2002-03
It takes more than pressure to improve failing high schools
Transforming urban schools through investments in the social capital of parents
Reforming public high schools: The greatest educational challenge
Higher education opportunities for foster youth: A primer for policymakers
Waiting to attend college: Students who delay postsecondary enrollment
P-16: Building a cohesive education system from preschool through postsecondary
The middle grades: Putting all students on track for college
Rising to the challenge: Are high school graduates prepared for college and work?
The real truth about low graduation rates: An evidence-based commentary
Add it up: Using research to improve education for low-income and minority students
Early college high school initiative
Financial aid: A shared agenda to achieve access and success for under-served students
A new core curriculum for all: Aiming high for other peoples' children
Vocational mentoring: An experience-based career mentoring program for high school juniors and seniors at risk of not graduating
Research on school-to-work programs in the United States
Sustainability planning and resource development for youth mentoring programs
Selecting a college for students with learning disabilities or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Career-related predictors of work-bound and college-bound status of adolescents in rural and nonrural areas
Promising practices for community college developmental education
Quality counts 2008
2007 College-bound seniors: Total group profile report
Engaging parents in education: Lessons from five parental information and resource centers
Green lights & red tape: Improving access to financial aid at California's community colleges
Approaches to dropout prevention: Heeding early warning signs with appropriate interventions
Evaluation of new century high schools: Profile of an initiative to create and sustain small, successful high schools
Using Rigorous Evidence to Improve Policy and Practice
Impact of for-profit and non-profit management on student achievement: The Philadelphia experiment
The postsecondary achievement of participants in dual enrollment: An analysis of student outcomes in two states
Not black and white: Making sense of the United States Supreme Court decisions regarding race-conscious student assignment plans
Understanding Latino parental involvement in education: Perceptions, expectations, and recommendations
The art of student retention
Making pre-kindergarten work for low-income working families
Status and trends in the education of racial and ethnic minorities
Perceptions and expectations of youth with disabilities. A special topic report of findings from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2)
A supporting role: How accreditors can help promote the success of community college students
State of college readiness for Latino students
Constrained after college: Student loans and early career occupational choices
More student success: A systemic solution
Comprehensive school reform quality center report on middle and high school comprehensive school reform models
The costs and benefits of an excellent education for all of America's children
Paying for school finance adequacy with the national average expenditure per pupil
Echoes of Bakke: A fractured Supreme Court invalidates two race-conscious K-12 student assignment plans but affirms the compelling interest in the educational benefit of diversity
Findings from the early college high school initiative: A look at best practices and lessons learned regarding a dual enrollment program
Graduation matters: Improving accountability for high school graduation
School-to-career and post-secondary education: Evidence from the Philadelphia educational longitudinal study
Fact book bulletin: Latest data confirms a college affordability gap for students from middle- and lower-income families
Transitional jobs for ex-prisoners: Early impacts from a random assignment evaluation of the Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) Prisoner Reentry Program
National Center for Learning Disabilities
Consortium on Chicago school research at the University of Chicago
If small is not enough...The characteristics of successful small high schools in Chicago
A Culture of Evidence: An Evidence-Centered Approach to Accountability for Student Learning Outcomes
School Strategies and the ‘College-Linking’ Process: Reconsidering the Effects of High Schools on College Enrollment
Communication 101: A toolkit for grantees
Postsecondary Education English Spanish Glossary
The effects of cognitive-behavioral interventions on dropout for youth with disabilities
Into the eye of the storm: Assessing the evidence on science and engineering education, quality, and workforce demand
Moving into students' spaces: The impact of academic advising on student engagement among undecided students
Education beyond the rhetoric: Making "rigor" something real
The impact of new college graduates on intrastate labor markets
Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE)
Promoting student success in community colleges by increasing student support services
Dropout and completion rates in the United States: 2006
What keeps good teachers in the classroom? Understanding and reducing teacher turnover
Committing to Student Engagement: Reflections on CCSSE’s First Five Years from the Community College Survey of Student Engagement: 2007 Findings
Supporting success: Improving higher education outcomes for students from foster care—A framework for program enhancement
From No Child Left Behind to Every Child a Graduate
Out of many, one: Toward rigorous common core standards from the ground up
It's not about the cut score: Redesigning placement assessment policy to improve student success
Test drive: Six states pilot better ways to measure and compare community college performance
Legal Center for Foster Care and Education Publications: Special education decisionmaking
Solving the data puzzle: A "how-to" guide on collecting and sharing information to improve educational outcomes for children in out-of-home care
Expanding school time to expand student learning: Lessons learned and challenges remaining
Parsing the achievement gap II
Grade retention: Achievement and mental health outcomes
Using increased funding under the Workforce Investment Act to create multiple pathways to marketable postsecondary credentials and middle-class employment
Smart options: Investing the recovery funds for student success
The contract for college: A policy proposal to increase college access and affordability
Gallup student poll national report
Race to the top: Promising approaches to establishing meaningful data systems fostering continuous improvement
When do students stop out?
Learning around the clock: Expanded learning opportunities for older youth
The impact of afterschool programs that promote personal and social skills
The economic impact of the achievement gap in America's schools
Cultivating generative connections, commitment, and engagement among campus constituencies: A practice brief based on BEAMS project outcomes
First-year programs: A practice brief based on BEAMS project outcomes
Aligning multiple campus initiatives: A practice brief based on BEAMS project outcomes
Some perspectives from rural school districts on the No Child Left Behind Act
Report of the national panel for evidence-based school counseling: Outcome research coding protocol and evaluation of Student Success Skills and Second Step
Education watch 2009
Dual enrollment policies and practices: earning college credit in California high schools
Student success courses in the community college: An exploratory study of student perspectives
National League of Cities
Supporting a college-going culture
Urban school counseling: Implications for practice and training
Creating postsecondary pathways to good jobs for young high school dropouts: The possibilities and the challenges
Reenrollment of high school dropouts in a large, urban school district
Accelerating Latino success at Texas border institutions: Possibilities and challenges
Bibliography: High school improvement, preparation for postsecondary education, and smaller learning communities
National Center on Response to Intervention (RTI)
Peterson's EssayEdge
Promoting engagement for all students: The imperative to look within
Learning to reason and communicate in college: Initital report of findings from the CLA longitudinal study
Single-sex education in the 21st Century
Making the dream a reality: Action steps for states to prepare all students for college and career
Chasing the high school graduation rate: Getting the data we need and using it right
Counselors and Mentors Handbook on Federal Student Aid: A Guide for Those Helping Students Prepare for Postsecondary Education
A developmental perspective on college and workplace readiness
High school literacy: A quick stats fact sheet
The iron triangle: College presidents talk about costs, access and quality
Reviving the goal of an integrated society: A 21st century challenge
Estimating the social value of higher education: Willingness to pay for community and technical colleges
When Johnny (or Janelle) comes marching home: National, state, and institutional efforts in support of veterans' education
Cracking the books: Policy measures to contain textbook costs
The public realities of private student loans
Young lives on hold: The college dreams of undocumented students
The nation's report card: 2007 At a glance
Developmental Education Toolkit
The accountability illusion
Assessing school engagement: A guide for out-of-school time program practitioners
The rapid growth and changing complexion of suburban public schools
Can the American high school become an avenue of advancement for all?
Finishing high school: Alternative pathways and dropout recovery
Improving accountability in public education
Why high stakes accountability sounds good but doesn't work - And why we keep on doing it anyway
2008-2009 Guide for the college-bound student-athlete
Enhancing college student success through developmental education
Getting back on track: Effects of a community college program for probationary students
Outcomes of high impact practices for underserved students: A review of the literature
Cost, commitment, and attainment in higher education: An international comparison
What does a college degree cost? Comparing approaches to measuring "cost per degree"
FAFSA tips and resources for foster and unaccompanied youth without stable housing
The forgotten choice? Rethinking magnet schools in a changing landscape
Building tomorrow's workforce: Promoting the education and advancement of Hispanic immigrant workers in America
2009-2010 EFC (Expected Family Contribution) Formula Guide
Evolving No Child Left Behind
Measuring up 2008
Promising instructional reforms in developmental education: A case study of three Achieving the Dream colleges
The effectiveness of student aid policies: What the research tells us
Trends in student aid 2008
The costs of failure factories in American higher education
Loan forgivness for public service employees
Better together: Realigning pre-college skills development programs to achieve greater academic success for adult learners
State future workforce gap summaries
English-Spanish glossary of student financial aid and postsecondary education
The role of schools in the English language learner achievement gap
The poor and the rich: A look at economic stratefication and academic performance among undergraduate students in the United States
Raising graduation rates: A series of data briefs: Progress toward increasing national and state graduation rates
College readiness standards
State higher education finance: Early release FY 2008
10 New higher education ideas for a new Congress
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Education spending
Funding education beyond high school: The guide to federal student aid 2009-10 (Spanish language version)
The other college: Retention and completion rates among two-year college students
Roadmap to RTI: Applying response to intervention in preschool settings
Cities in crisis 2009: Closing the graduation gap: Educational and economic conditions in America's largest cities
Making the nation's investment in student access and success, part 2
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Selected funding streams for struggling students and disconnected youth
Poverty and potential: Out-of-school factors and school success
State education activities to support mission growth
The impact of increases in Pell Grant awards on college-going among lower income youth: Results from a natural experiment
Improving student success by strengthening developmental education in community colleges: The role of state policy
Campus commons? What faculty, financial officers, and other think about controlling college costs
Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 - Education provisions
Community colleges: Special supplement to the Condition of Education 2008
How America pays for college: Sallie Mae's national study of college students and parents
Literacy instruction in the content areas: Getting to the core of middle and high school improvement
Fixing No Child Left Behind
The learning communities demonstration: Rationale, sites, and research design
Learning better together: The impact of learning communities on the persistence of low-income students
Beyond access: Explaining socioeconomic differences in college transfer
Career and technical education in the United States: 1990-2005
Career academies: Long-term impacts on labor market outcomes, educational attainment, and transitions to adulthood
Early & often: Designing a comprehensive system of financial aid information
Reach higher, America: Overcoming crisis inthe U. S. workforce
National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy
Science and engineering indicators 2008: State data tool
Closing the achievement gap: Exploring quality choices: Vouchers
Strengthening financial aid policies for low-income working adults
Supporting English language acquisition: Opportunities for foundations to strengthen the social and economic well-being of immigrant families
Strengthening state adult education policies for low-skilled workers
Passing the torch: Strategies for innovation in community college ESL
Lifelong learning: New strategies for the education of working adults
Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship Program
Engaged for success: Service-learning as a tool for high school dropout prevention
The Chafee Educational and Training Voucher (ETV) program: Six states experiences
Are teachers prepared for racially diverse schools? Teachers describe their preparation, resources, and practices for racially diverse schools
Teacher credentials and student achievement in high school: A cross-subject analysis with student fixed effects
Avoidable Losses: High-Stakes Accountability and the Dropout Crisis
Engaging faculty and staff: An imperative for fostering retention, advising, and smart borrowing
2008-09 EFC (Expected Family Contribution) Formula Guide
Winning the Skills Race and Strengthening America’s Middle Class: An Action Agenda for Community Colleges
Enrollment status and outcomes
Minority males: Race/ethnicity, gender, and student outcomes
Still looking to the future: Voluntary K-12 student integration: A manual for parents, educators, and advocates
Is your firm ready for the Millennials?
Window of opportunity: Targeting federal grant aid to students with the lowest incomes
Denied: Community college students lack access to affordable loans
Turning around chronically low-performing schools
Dropout risk factors and exemplary programs: A technical report
Examining gaps in mathematics achievement among racial-ethnic groups, 1972-1992
Breaking through: Factsheet
Do loans increase college access and choice? Examining the introduction of universal student loans
How college access marketing campaigns can utilize social networking web sites
How does the United States stack up? International comparisons of academic achievement
State high school exit exams: Students with disabilities
Cities in Crisis: A Special Analytic Report on High School Graduation
Boomers, Gen-Xers, and Millennials: Understanding the new students
In need of improvement: NCLB & high schools
Easing the transition to high school: Research and best practices designed to support high school learning
Independent Evaluation of the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE): Third Biennial Report
The professional mentor program plus: An academic success and retention tool for adult learners
Dropout prevention for students with disabilities: A critical issue for state education agencies
High school teaching for the twenty-first century: Preparing students for college
Evaluation of the early college high school initiative
Meeting the high-school challenge: Making after-school work for older students
Fifty states of achieving the dream: State policies to enhance access to community colleges across the United States
Postsecondary success begins with high school preparation
Teaching all students to high standards in mixed-ability classrooms
Are they really ready to work? Employers perspectives on the basic knowledge and applied skills of new entrants to the 21st century U.S. workforce
Helping families finance college: Improved student loan disclosures and counseling
The challenges of change: Learning from the child care and early education experiences of immigrant families
Title I and early childhood programs: A look at investments in the NCLB era
Student success in college: Puzzle, pipeline, or pathway?
Knowing and being known: Personalization as a foundation for student learning
A review of the literature: Resiliency skills and dropout prevention
Keeping kids in school: What research says about preventing dropouts
Education longitudinal study of 2002 (ELS:2002): A first look at the initial postsecondary experiences of the high school Sophomore class of 2002
What works clearinghouse: Middle school math
Transitioning out of high school: A quick stats fact sheet
High school - Advanced placement
The state role in accelerating student growth in low-performing high schools
Accelerated remedial math education: How institutional innovation and state policy interact
Creating and sustaining early college high schools
Historic reversals, accelerating resegregation and the need for new integration strategies
2007 Status report on the Pell Grant program
Advanced placement report to the nation: 2007
Aligning high school graduation requirements with the real world: A road map for states
The CollegeKeys Compact: Getting ready, getting in, and getting through college: Expanding options for low-income students
Are public schools really losing their "best"? Assessing the career transitions of teachers and their implications for the quality of the teacher workforce
Do student success courses actually help community college students succeed?
Raising achievement and graduation rates by supporting teachers in developing quality classroom instruction
A little now for a lot later: A look at a Texas advanced placement incentive program
Black college dollars: 2007-2008 Directory of scholarships for African-American students
Mentoring: Research in action series
Small schools, big results: Nebraska high school completion and postsecondary enrollment rates by size of school district
Bridging the widest gap: Raising the achievement of Black boys
Access to the future: Preparing college students with disabilities for careers
Minority student retention and academic achievement in community colleges
Reaching out for diversity
Effective practice: Starting a career development tutoring/mentoring program in ten steps
School-based mentoring: A first look at its potential
Supporting mentors
Multiple pathways and state policy: Toward education and training beyond high school
High school graduation, completion, and dropout indicators: A primer and catalog
Confronting the graduation rate crisis in the south
They can't go home again: Undocumented aliens and access to U.S. higher education
NCHEMS information center
Our impoverished view of education reform
The trouble with black boys: The role and influence of environmental and cultural factors on the academic performance of African American boys
Help wanted: Advanced education and the changing workforce
Participation in adult education and lifelong learning: 2000-01
Public high school graduation and college-readiness rates: 1991-2002
Barrier busters: Community colleges and their students embrace challenges
Community college survey of student engagement: 2005
Diversity and persistence in higher education: The impact of preparation, major choices, and financial aid
What are the expected benefits associated with implementing a comprehensive guidance program
The effects of students' middle-school and high school experiences on completion of the bachelor's degree: How can school counselors make a difference
Engaging families at the secondary level
The student aid gauntlet: Making access to college simple and certain
Debt burden: Repaying student debt
The educational, social, and economic benefits of making informed and considered career decisions
The persisting racial gap in college student graduation rates
Hope works: Student use of education tax credits.
Do grants matter?
The policy of choice: Expanding student options in higher education
What we know about access and success in postsecondary education: Informing Lumina Foundation's strategic direction
Unequal opportunity: Disparities in college access among the 50 states
Network news: Focus on finance policy, access, and affordability
State financial aid: Policies to enhance articulation and transfer
Powerful partnerships: Independent colleges share high-impact strategies for low-income students’ success
Fifty years of college choice: Social, political, and institutional influences on the decision-making process
Counting high school graduates when graduates count: Measuring graduation rates under the high stakes of NCLB
Crisis at the core: Preparing all students for college and work
College knowledge: What Latino parents need to know and why they don't know it
Under-prepared community college students: Implications of attitudinal and experiential differences
Latino students and the educational pipeline: From middle school to the workforce
Indicators of opportunity in higher education
A shared agenda: A leadership challenge to improve college access and success
Value added: The costs and benefits of college preparatory programs in the United States
Educational attainment of people 18 years and over, by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin, for the 25 largest states: March 2000
The first year experience: Are we making it any better
Socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, and selective college admissions
The challenge of access and persistence
Comparison of postsecondary participation rates for 50 states
Public high school graduation and college readiness rates in the United States
All students reaching the top: Strategies for closing academic achievement gaps
Identifying and implementing educational practices supported by rigorous evidence: A user friendly guide
Staying on course: Standards based reform in America's schools
Characteristics of minority students who excel on the SAT and in the classroom
Losing our future: How minority youth are being left behind by the graduation rate crisis
Reorienting the HEA reauthorization to reflect what research-based knowledge says about what works
Improving lives through higher education: Campus programs and policies for low-income adults
Preparing students for success in college
Improving student attainment in community colleges: Institutional characteristics and policies
Access and persistence: Findings from 10 years of longitudinal research on students
Challenging times, clear choices: An action agenda for college access and success
Getting ready to pay for college: What students and their parents know about the cost of college tuition and what they are doing to find out
Refocusing the HEA reauthorization to reflect the priorities of higher education policy analysts and researchers
Refuse to lose: Today’s colleges and universities must work to foster student success
Cultural barriers to incurring debt: An exploration of borrowing and impact on access to postsecondary education
School relationships foster success for African American students
Recruiting mentors: A guide to finding volunteers to work with youth
African American achievement in America
First generation college students: A literature review
With diploma in hand: Hispanic high school seniors talk about their future
State higher education finance: FY 2003
In state tuition for undocumented immigrants
Benefits of a high school core curriculum
Correctional education facts
Going to the source: A practical way to simplify the FAFSA
Diversity Digest - The right to learn and the Pathways to College Network
How well are we serving our adult learners? Investigating the impact of institutions on success and retention
Ensuring academic success for English learners
The high cost of high school dropouts: What the nation pays for inadequate high schools
Healthier and wealthier: Decreasing healthcare costs by increasing educational attainment
Orange juice or orange drink: Ensuring that "advanced courses" live up to their labels
From college access to college success: College preparation and persistence of BPS graduates
Pacific Islanders lagging behind in higher educational attainment
All over the map: State policies to improve the American high school
Financial aid, access, and America's social contract with higher education
Access and achievement: Building educational and career pathways for Latinos in advanced technology
Setting a public agenda for higher education: Lessons learned from the National Collaborative for Higher Education Policy
A portrait of "Generation Next": How young people view their lives, futures and politics
National inventory of academic pathways
Who's counted? Who's counting? Understanding high school graduation rates
Resource guide for action: Transforming high schools for all youth
Promising practices: School to career and postsecondary education for foster care youth
A report on the status of Hispanics in education: Overcoming a history of neglect
Not for the timid: Breaking down barriers, creating breakthrough high schools in Ohio
State and district-level support for successful transitions into high school
Education leadership policy toolkit
Access to college: The role of tuition, financial aid, scholastic preparation and college supply in public college enrollments
Rigor plus support: How science teachers use literacy techniques to get students ready for college
Latino student success at Hispanic serving institutions
Update: State policies regarding in-state tuition for undocumented students
College access and tax credits
Federal policy and Latinos in higher education
Making the nation's investment in student access and success, part I
Alignment of high school graduation requirements and state-set college admissions requirements
Returning to learning: Adults’ success in college is key to America’s future
Improving the high school-to-college transition through leadership and governance
Engaging students, challenging the odds
A whole 'nother world: Students navigating community college
The context of "choice" in college pathways
Support success: Services that may help low-income students succeed in community college
Thinking outside the box: Policy strategies for readiness, access, and success
ACT national curriculum survey, 2005–2006
Financial aid and postsecondary opportunity for nontraditional age pre-college students: The roles of information and education delivery systems
Accelerated learning options: Moving the needle on access and success
Part II: Institutional strategies, strategies to increase student success
The case for parent leadership
Institutional grants and baccalaureate degree attainment
The impact of advice on price: Evidence from research
Re-engaging parents in the middle school
Helping children move from bad schools to good ones
Grants for students: What they do, why they work
Leaving boys behind: Public high school graduation rates
High school coursework: Policy trends and implications for higher education
GI bill: A reality check
Pathways to improving practice: What are pre-college outreach programs
Dual credit and exam-based courses in US public high schools: 2002-03
Engagement in assessment: A toolkit for faculty and administrators invovled in student assessment
Diversity, school, family, and community connections
Early college high school model: Strategy for high school completion, college access and success
Education Commission of the States: Postsecondary Issues
High-stakes testing in PreK-12 education
Reinventing education change toolkit
School connectedness - strengthening health and education outcomes for teenagers
Using data to improve teacher induction programs
Community college mentoring: Minority student perception
A step toward college success: Assessing attainment among Indiana's Twenty-first Century Scholars
Making progress toward graduation: Evidence from the talent development high school model
Moving into town - and moving on: The community college in the lives of traditional age students
Eliminating complexity and inconsistency in federal financial aid programs for higher education students: Towards a more strategic approach
NDSFA: The financial aid partnership
NDSFA: State financial aid and college access
NDSFA: Fundamental assumptions and aims underlying the principles of federal financial aid to students
Forum guide to building a culture of data quality -- A school & district resource
Student success: Statewide P-16 systems -- data and accountability systems
The federal government and the student aid partnership
The literacy of America's college students
Building a strong community partnership
Dropout rates in the United States: 2001
Student success: Statewide P-16 systems -- curriculum and assessment systems
Teaching at risk: A call to action
Tennessee P-16 policy roundtable: Summary report
Transforming higher education: National imperative - state responsibility
United States high school sophomores: A twenty-two year comparison, 1980 - 2002
Placing college graduation rates in context: How 4-Year college graduation rates vary with selectivity and the size of low-income enrollment
An exploration of what we know about the formation and impact of perceptions of college prices, student aid, and the affordability of college-going and a prospectus for future research
Enhancing high school reform: Lessons from site visits to four cities
Getting students ready for college and careers
Remaking career and technical education for the 21st century: What role for high school programs?
Advancing high school reform in the states: Policies and programs
The taxonomy of career development interventions that occur in America's secondary schools
Report on key practices and policies of consistently higher performing high schools
Dropout rates in the United States: 2004
The feasibility of streamlining aid for college through the tax system
High hopes, big debts
The early college high school concept: Requisites for success
College access: From the inside out
Data quality campaign: Using data to improve student achievement
Trends in student aid 2006
Stepping stones to a degree: The impact of enrollment pathways and milestones on older community college student outcomes
A culture of evidence: Postsecondary assessment and learning outcomes
California trends in student aid: 1994-95 to 2003-04
Unfinished business: More measured approaches in standards-based reform
Evaluating family involvement programs
Paying for persistence: Early results of a Louisiana scholarship program for low-income parents attending community college
Peak experiences
High school reform - Issue brief
State systems of performance accountability for community colleges: Impact and lessons for policymakers
Overview: A guide to wading through the alphabet soup of surveys
Creating a culture that supports academic excellence: Creating conditions that support academic achievement
Final report of the NISS/ESSI task force on graduation, completion, and dropout indicators
Teacher preparation policy toolkit
Literature review: Intervention methods and programs for pre-college entry for disadvantaged students
Beating the odds: A city-by-city analysis of student performance and achievement gaps on state assessments
Who goes to preschool and why does it matter
Vital voices: Building constituencies for public school reform
Closing the college participation gap: A national summary
Mortgaging our future: How financial barriers to college undercut America's global competitiveness
Unintended consequences of tuition discounting
Does public funding for higher education matter?
Environmental scan of parental and family involvement national research centers and technical assistance provider
Dual enrollment: Policy issues confronting state policymakers
Expanding access and opportunity: The impact of the Gates Millennium Scholars Program
Enrollment in Postsecondary Institutions, Fall 2004; Graduation Rates; 1998 and 2001 Cohorts; and Financial Statistics; Fiscal Year 2004
Parent partners
Perceptions of college financial aid among California Latino youth
Contending with financial inequality
Who graduates in the South: Minority students lag behind, effects of segregation persist
Inside the black box of high-performing high-poverty schools
Supporting adult english language learners' transitions to postsecondary education
Value added assessment: Accountability's new frontier
Building learning communities: Early results from the Opening Doors demonstration and Kingsborough community college
Championing success: A report on the progress of tribal college and university alumni
Latinos in early childhood education
Predicting different levels of academic success in college using high school GPA and ACT Composite score
Part-Time Undergraduates in Postsecondary Education: 2003-04
Event dropout rates for public school students in grades 9-12: 2002-03 and 2003-04
U.S. student and adult performance on international assessments of educational achievement
Reconsidering the diversity rationale
Enhancing student success in education: Summary report of the NPEC Initiative and National Symposium on Postsecondary Student Success
Lumina Foundation Lessons: Places - and faces - that foster student success
First in my family: A profile of first-generation college students at four year institutions since 1971
Student athletes with learning disabilities: A model for effective supports
The contributions of economics to the study of college access and success
State tuition, fees, and financial assistance policies for public colleges and universities, 2005-06
What keeps children in foster care from succeeding in school? Views of early adolescents and the adults in their lives
American Indian student achievement in Montana public schools: Features of the achievement gap and policy prescriptions
Resistance theory and the transculturation hypothesis as explanations of college attrition and persistence among culturally traditional American Indian students
Quality Counts 2007: State Highlights Reports
Research studies database
Questions that matter: Connecting research, policy, and practice to improve college access and success
High school to college and careers: Aligning state policies
Do merit scholarships promote college access? Evidence from two states.
Evaluation Exchange (Volume 13, Number 1) – Advocacy and policy change
A new way on school integration
Act on fact: Using data to improve student success
Student retention and graduation: Facing the truth, living with the consequences
Evaluating comprehensive school reform models at scale: Focus on implementation
Building the foundation for bright futures: A governors guide to school readiness
Building the foundation for bright futures: Final report of the NGA task force on school readiness
Early childhood education: Investing in quality makes sense
National Indian education study part II: The educational experiences of fourth- and eighth-grade American Indian and Alaska Native students
Finding research on retention and access using ERIC
Black male students at public flagship universities in the U.S.: Status, trends, and implications for policy and practice
State higher education finance: FY 2006
Hidden benefits: The impact of high school graduation on household wealth
Urgent but overlooked: The literacy crisis among adolescent english language learners
Student debt and the class of 2005: Average debt by state, sector, and school
Discarding the deficit model
College grants on a postcard: A proposal for simple and predictable federal student aid
Mathematics and science education in the states
No way out: Student loans, financial distress, and the need for policy reform
Income and financial aid effects on persistence and degree attainment in public colleges
Policies in sync: Appropriations, tuition, and financial aid in higher education
Affordability of postsecondary education: Equity and advocacy across the 50 states
Equal access to postsecondary education? The case of undocumented immigrant students
Immigration and higher education: Institutional responses to changing demographics
Myths and realities for undocumented students attending U.S. colleges and universities
Outcomes of learning: Results from the 2000 program for international student assessment of 15 year-olds in reading, mathematics, and science literacy
Guide to creating a college access consortium
Do and should financial aid packages affect students' college choices?
Accounting for state student aid: How state policy and student aid connect
Baccalaureate and beyond: A descriptive summary of 1999-2000 bachelor's degree recipient
Student aid and tax benefits: Better research and guidance will facilitate comparison of effectiveness and student use
What colleges contribute: Institutional aid to full-time undergraduates attending four-year colleges and universities
What students pay for college: Changes in net price of college attendance between 1992-93 and 1999-2000
Getting it done: Ten steps to a state action agenda
Latino achievement in America
Foundations for successful youth mentoring: A guidebook for program development
Investing in America's future: Why student aid pays off for society and individuals
Making data work: A parent and community guide to collecting school data in order to improve student achievement
Designing a state student grant program: A framework for policy makers
College students working: The choice nexus
Access for all? Debating in-state tuition for undocumented alien students
Pre-college outreach programs for low-income students: A literature review
Collision course: Rising college costs threaten America’s future and require shared solutions
Private scholarships count: Access to higher education and the critical role of the private sector
Private loans and choice in financing higher education
Access to community college for undocumented immigrants: A guide for state policy makers
Preparing for college: Building expectations, changing realities
From foster care to college life
Education for foster children: Removing barriers to academic success
What works to promote postsecondary school attendance and attainment: Mentoring programs
The social prerequisites of success: Can college structure reduce the need for social know-how
State data systems and privacy concerns: Strategies for balancing public interests
A closer look at the President's proposal for changes in student assistance
The role of finances in the persistence process.: A structural model
Work-based learning and higher education: A research perspective
How curriculum influences college persistence in Indiana and the nation
Latino students and the educational pipeline: Latino high school and baccalaureate graduates: A comparison
Paths to persistence: An analysis of research on program effectiveness at community colleges
College affordability in jeopardy: The rising price of higher education
Expanding college access: The impact of state finance strategies
Discounting toward disaster: Tuition discounting, college finances, and enrollments of low-income undergraduates
Left behind: Unequal opportunity in higher education
Trends in student aid 2003
Who should we help? The negative social consequences of merit aid scholarships
Access denied: Restoring the nation’s commitment to equal educational opportunity
Persistence and attainment of beginning students with Pell Grants
Converting data into action: Expanding the boundaries of institutional improvement
High school database
Walking the talk: Community colleges where everyone wins
Fixing the formula: A new approach to determining independent students' ability to pay for college
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing: How perceptions of costs and benefits affect access to education
Independent undergraduates: 1999-2000
Parents' reports of school practices to provide information to families: 1996-2003
Access and persistence: Summer 2005
Educational needs index
The looming workforce crisis: Preparing American workers for 21st century competition
Missed opportunities revisited: New information on students who do not apply for financial aid
Correcting course: How we can restore the ideals of public higher education in a market-driven era
Does diversity make a difference? Three research studies on diversity in college classrooms
Investing wisely in adult learning is key to state prosperity
Student success
Retaining minority students in higher education
"Unknown" students on college campuses: An exploratory analysis
Persistence among first-generation college students in Indiana: The impact of precollege preparation, college experiences, and financial aid
The new demography of America's schools: Immigration and the No Child Left Behind Act
Addressing the shame of higher education: Programs that support college enrollment and retention of African-American males
Standards for what? The economic roots of K-16 reform
Educational aspirations and postsecondary access and choice: Students in urban, suburban, and rural schools compared
Swimming against the tide: The poor in American higher education
Understanding and working with students and adults from poverty
Who graduates? Who doesn't? A statistical portrait of public high school graduation class of 2001
Trends in student aid 2005
Course corrections: Experts offer solutions to the college cost crisis
Creating and sustaining a winning match
Starting a mentoring program
When stakes are high: Research-based mentoring for youth with multiple risk factors
The performance of at-risk youth as tutors
How to build a successful mentoring program using the "Elements of Effective Practice"
Measuring the quality of mentor-youth relationships: A tool for mentoring programs
The telementors guidebook: A fieldguide to supporting student inquiry online
Mentoring and work-based learning
Creating an education to careers blueprint
Best practices for mentoring programs
Mentoring: A promising strategy for youth development
The heart and soul of mentoring: What makes mentoring work
A nation online: Entering the broadband age
Migrant students attending college: Facilitating their success
First generation students in postsecondary education: A look at their college transcripts
Dead ends: The need for more pathways to graduation for overage, under-credited students in New York City
Career pathways: A strategy for transforming America's workforce education systems to support economic growth
Promoting academic momentum at community colleges: Challenges and opportunities
The turnaround challenge: Why America's best opportunity to dramatically improve student achievement lies in our worst-performing schools
Voces (Voices): A profile of today's Latino college students
Good policy, good practice
Validity of high-school grades in predicting student success beyond the freshman year: High-school record vs. standardized tests as indicators of four-year college outcomes
Why rural matters 2007: The realities of rural education growth
A science-based framework for early childhood policy
Evaluating the rationale for affirmative action in college admissions: Direct and indirect relationships between campus diversity and gains in understanding diverse groups
Transfer between community colleges and four-year colleges: The all-American game
Experiences that matter: Enhancing student learning and success
Is mentoring worth the money? A benefit-cost analysis and five-year rate of return of a comprehensive mentoring program for beginning teachers
Rethinking High School: An Introduction to New York City's Experience
The narrowing gap in New York City teacher qualifications and its implications for student achievement in high-poverty schools
The proficiency illusion
Schools need good leaders now: State progress in creating a learning-centered school leadership system
SREB states lead the nation in Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs
Critical hours: Afterschool programs and educational success
American Indian and Alaska Native students in U.S. high schools
Asian Pacific Islander American Students and U.S. high schools
High school dropouts in America
Women, minorities, and persons with disabilties in science and engineering
State approaches to more reliable and uniform dropout and graduation data
2006-07 Washington state tuition and fee report
Choosing Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs): A closer look at Latino students' college choices
Advanced mathematics and science coursetaking in the Spring high school senior classes of 1982, 1992, and 2004
The public returns to public educational investments in African American males
Institutional Student Profiles Fall 2006 for the State of Alabama
States' progress toward high school restructuring
The digest of education statistics, 2007
Every student counts: The case for graduation rate accountability
The role of school counselors in serving students with disabilities
The student to counselor ratio: Does it matter?
Preschool: America's best investment
State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act
Youth with disabilities in the foster care system: Barriers to success and proposed policy solutions
The growing imbalance: Recent trends in U.S. postsecondary education finance
Middle-class schools for all
The last have become the first: Rural and small town America lead the way on desegregation
The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
Using student engagement to improve adolescent literacy
Getting Ahead or Losing Ground: Economic Mobility in America
Improving academic performance among Native American students: A review of the research literature
Using longitudianal data to increase community college student success: A guide to measuring milestone and momentum point achievement
Value-added analysis and education policy
Orphan Foundation of America
2007 Survey of parents of college-bound freshman
2007-08 Directory of colleges cooperating with the SAT program fee-waiver service
Encouraging girls in math and science
An overview of post-secondary support programs for former foster youth
Mathematics coursetaking and achievement at the end of high school: Evidence from the education longitudinal study of 2002
Who graduates in California?
Letter to the Chronicle of Higher Education: Upward Bound study
Do community colleges provide a viable pathway to a Baccalaureate degree?
Lloyd M. Johnson, Jr. Scholarship Program
How educators in three states are responding to standards-based accountability under No Child Left Behind
Transitions to adulthood for homeless adolescents: Education and Public Policy
Implications of educational inequality for the future workforce
Every nine seconds in America a student becomes a dropout: The dropout problem in numbers
Adult Basic Education to Community Colleges Transitions Symposium Proceedings Report
Adult Literacy Education In Immigrant Communities: Identifying Policy and Program Priorities for Helping Newcomers Learn English
Connecting schools, families, and communities: Stories and results from the Annie E. Casey Foundation's education investments
The Workforce Alliance
When girls don't graduate, we all fail
Economic state of young America
Given half a chance: The Schott 50 state report on public education and black males
The fiscal impacts of college attainment
School funding's tragic flaw
The Benwood plan: A lesson in comprehensive teacher reform
Race matters: Unequal opportunities in education
Starting right: A first look at engaging entering students
Is college opportunity slipping away? Parents and the public voice concerns about higher education access and affordability
Investing in lasting change: Productivity and U.S. higher education
A model of success: The model institution's for excellence program's successful leadership in STEM education (1995-2007)
The economic benefits of academic and career preparation
College access and success state data
Second to none in attainment, discovery, and innovation: The national agenda for higher education
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: Facts, not fiction: Setting the record straight
Squeeze play 2009: The public's views on college costs today
New measures of student success in public higher education
The study of implementation in school-based preventative interventions: Theory, research, and practice
Sallie Mae college answer: School search
Sterotype threat and the student-athlete
The Role of the School Counselor in the New Era of RTI
Why Boys Fail (
Privatization in higher education: Cross-country analysis of trends, policies, problems, and solutions
Collaborative for acadmic, social, and emotional learning (CASEL)
Postsecondary education spending priorities for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
College-ready students, student-ready colleges: An agenda for improving degree completion in postsecondary education
Community college transfer and articulation policies: Looking beneath the surface
Comparative indicators of education in the United States and other G-8 countries: 2009
Status and trends in the education of American Indians and Alaska Natives: 2008
Despite surging endowments, high-ranking universities and colleges show disappointing results in enrolling low-income students
Frequently asked questions regarding public service loan forgiveness
Noncredit enrollment in workforce education: State policies and community college practices
Fulfilling the commitment: Recommendations for reforming federal student aid
Flexible learning options for adult students
Rights of children in foster care
The American Freshman: National Norms for Fall 2007
Federal access policies and higher education for working adults
Trends in college pricing 2008
The community college transfer calculator: Identifying the course-taking patterns that predict transfer to a four-year institution
Coming to our senses: Education and the American future
Achieving the Dream data notes: Developmental education: Completion status and outcomes
Federal Aid First (Spanish Version)
Ranking Systems Clearinghouse
Referral, enrollment, and completion in developmental education sequences in community colleges
Supporting high quality career and technical education through federal and state policy
Federal school codes
Left behind: Unequal opportunity in higher education.
Too small to help: The plight of financially distressed private student loan borrowers
Top ten state policy issues for higher education in 2009
Assessing patterns of resource distribution: An online tool to analyze school district budgeting
Trends in the higher education labor force: Identifying changes in worker composition and productivity
The academics athletics trade-off: Universities and intercollegiate athletics
Financial aid in theory and practice
National Center for Summer Learning
Center on Reinventing Public Education
Keeping score when it counts: Assessing the 2008-09 bowl-bound college football teams: Academic performance improves, but race still matters
Connected by 25: Financing policies and practices that support permanency for youth transitioning out of foster care
What are my learning strengths?
Diplomas and dropouts: Which colleges actually graduate their students (and which don't)
Career development and guidance: Worksheets, handouts and workbooks What's your learning style?
Career activities and vocational lesson plans
Characteristics of private student loan borrowers who do not use federal education loans
The cost of quality out-of-school time programs
On the front lines of schools: Perspectives of teachers and principals on the high school dropout problem
Keeping score when it counts: Sweet 16 men's and women's teams: A look at their academic success
Keeping score when it counts: Graduation rates and academic progress rates (APR) for 2009 NCAA men's division I basketball tournament teams
Keeping score when it counts: Graduation rates and academic progress rates (APR) for 2009 NCAA women's and men's division I basketball tournament teams
Campaign for High School Equity
2009 NCAA Division I Academic Progress Rate (APR) Reports by School
Commission to Build a Healthier America
Council of the Great City Schools
Issue tables: A profile of military service members and veterans enrolled in postsecondary education in 2007-08
Tracking the impact of eLearning at community colleges: 2008 distance education survey results
Learning and assessment: Trends in undergraduate education
Career and employment guide for job seekers and employees with disabilities and Guide for employers: How to recruit, interview, hire, and accomodate people with disabilities
Federal student aid's oversight and monitoring of guaranty agencies, lenders, and servicers needs improvement
Connext System
An overview of tax benefits for higher education expenses
Pathways to boosting the earnings of low-income students by increasing their educational attainment
Ready to assemble: A model state higher education accountability system
Children's Budget 2008
Rewarding persistence: Effects of a performance-based scholarship program for low-income parents
Diversity and affirmative action in higher education
Student aversion to borrowing: Who borrows and who doesn't
Measuring up 2008: Online state report cards
Advocacy as a critical role for urban school counselors: Working toward equity and social justice
2009-10 FAFSA on the web worksheet
2009-10 FAFSA on the web worksheet (Spanish Version)
The Condition of Latinos in education: 2008 Factbook
2008 Kids Count data book: State profiles of child well-being
Do we really have a college access problem?
Achieving the Dream data notes: Outcome differences by developmental status and gender
Achieving the Dream data notes: Students earning zero credits
Student debt and the class of 2007
Urban school counseling: Context, characteristics, and competencies
Community colleges under stress
YouthBuild USA
Apply to succeed: Ensuring community college students benefit from need-based financial aid
State oversight of federal stimulus funds
Enrollment in postsecondary institutions, Fall 2006; Graduation rates, 2000 and 2003 cohorts; and financial statistics, Fiscal Year 2006
How undergraduate students use credit cards: Sallie Mae's national study of usage rates and trends 2009
National Office for School Counselor Advocacy (NOSCA)
A brief history of veterans' education benefits and their value
College Board: College MatchMaker (college search tool)
Collecting survey data for assessment: A practice brief based on BEAMS project outcomes
One in 31: The long reach of American corrections
US Department of Labor Youth Services: Summaries of education models
Short sighted: How America's lack of attention to international education studies impedes improvement
Non-traditional student success in public two-year colleges, Inc.
Community colleges: A route of upward economic mobility
Transfer guide: Understanding your military transcript and ACE credit recommendations
Imagine success: Engaging entering students
Pushing the envelope: State policy innovations in financing postsecondary education for workers who study
The impact of postsecondary remediation using a regression discontinuity approach: Addressing endogenous sorting and noncompliance
Tapping America's Potential: Gaining momentum, losing ground: Progress report 2008
State indicators of science and mathematics education: 2007
50-state analysis of the preparation of teachers and the conditions for teaching: Results from the NCES schools and staffing survey
Closing the gap in science achievement: Using NAEP science assessment scores to analyze state trends
Descriptive summary of 2003-04 beginning postsecondary students: Three years later
Student persistence in college: More than counting caps and gowns
Science and mathematics education indicators
Closing the achievement gap: School, community, family connections
What are they and how do I use them? Strategies and tools to increase and improve filing of the federal Hope and Lifetime Learning education tax credits by low-income filers
What do we know about the economic benefits of the GED? A synthesis of evidence from recent research
America's forgotten middle-skill jobs: Education and training requirements in the next decade and beyond
The ESL logjam: Waiting times for adult ESL classes and the impact on English language learners
All Kinds of Minds
In-state tuition for undocumented immigrants
Advancing adults into community college programs: Data tools from Breaking Through
New England Journal of Higher Education
Private K-12 schools lag far behind public schools in using federal education programs
Education Commission of the States: Research studies database
Education spending and changing revenue sources
Feeling the Florida heat? How low-performing schools respond to voucher and accountability pressure
Mentors en Español
Education and economic mobility
Preserving integration options for Latino children: A manual for educators, civil rights leaders, and the community
Recent participation in formal learning among working-age adults with different levels of education
Their fair share: How Texas-sized gaps in teacher quality shortchange low-income and minority students
Impacts of school-based career interventions on NCDG outcomes
The 4th annual AP report to the nation
The No Child Left Behind Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: A progress report
Good policy, good practice: Improving outcomes and productivity in higher education, a guide for policymakers
Millennials need to get real about work world
Youth in foster care with adult mentors during adolescence have improved adult outcomes
Year end to-do list
The credit crunch and student loans: Don't react before getting the facts
Creating a strategy for community engagement
Millennials rising
The 'millennials' usher in a new era
How the borrowing process works
NCLB and high schools
2005-2006 Alabama Board of Education Report Card: A State Summary
Change, and response to change, in Florida's public schools
Return on Investment: Educational Choices and Demographic Change in California's Future
California: State Accountability Report Card 2005-06.
Student Effort
Student Retention in Higher Education Courses
State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I-Title 1 School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement
Persistence and attainment of 2003-04 beginning postsecondary students: After three years
Tuition and fees in public higher education in the West
Rescuing Brown v. Board of Education: Profiles of twelve school districts pursuing socioeconomic school integration
State grant aid and its effects on students college choices
The schools we need: Creating small high schools that work for us
The path to prosperity: A policy of investment
Update on advanced placement
Redesigning schools: 10 features of effective schools
The changing racial and ethnic composition of U.S. public schools
Student charges and financial aid: 2006-07
Student debt and the class of 2006
Minorities in higher education twenty-second annual status report: 2007 supplement
Setting the stage for new high schools: Municipal leadership in supporting high school alternatives
Virtual schools and 21st century skills
Challenges to teacher capacity in new and redesigned schools
The learning season: The untapped power of summer to advance student achievement
Community college student success: What institutional characteristics make a difference
Making performance accountability work: English lessons for U.S. community colleges
Is student success labeled institutional failure? Student goals and graduation rates in the accountability debate at community colleges
Implementing evidence-based practices: six "drivers" of success
Beyond the open door: Increasing student success in the California community colleges
The road ahead: Improving diversity in graduate education
Early Head Start and teen parent families: Partnerships for success
A new majority: Low income students in the South's public schools
The family: America's smallest school
Camino de la universidad: The road to college
Trends in student aid 2007
Afterschool programs as an oasis of hope for black parents in four cities
What works clearinghouse: English language learners
Left behind by design: Proficiency counts and test-based accountability
Beyond myths: The growth and diversity of Asian American college freshmen: 1971-2005
Ingredients of a successful summer learning program: A case study of the Building Educated Leaders for Life (BELL) Accelerated Learning Summer Program
The right data to the right people at the right time: How interoperability helps America's students succeed
What works clearinghouse: Dropout prevention
Setting the '08 education agenda for the nation: Benchmarking to international standards while protecting the public's traditional commitment to a comprehensive education
Setting the '08 education agenda for the nation: Education as an engine for regional economic and workforce development
High school dropout: A quick stats fact sheet
PISA 2006: OECD Briefing notes for the United States
Top 50 Colleges for African Americans
State and local implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act - Accountability under NCLB: Interim report
The 2007 Brown Center report on American education: How well are American students learning?
Projections of education statistics to 2016
Teacher quality in a changing policy landscape: Improvements in the teacher pool
A disturbing trend in law school diversity
Education in the age of accountability: A research focus of the Urban Institute
Busting the myth that poor, urban schools can't succeed
Student aid and postsecondary tax preferences: Limited research exists on the effectiveness of tools to assist students and families through Title IV student aid and tax preferences
Mexican Americans and other Latinos in postsecondary education: Institutional influences
How Latino students pay for college: Patterns of financial aid in 2003-04
Serving students with disabilities at the community college
Annotated bibliography of foster-youth-related websites
Undocumented immigrant students: A very brief overview of access to higher education in California
Reframing the student loan costing debate: The benefits of competition
Frequently asked questions about program evaluation
Gauging the effectiveness of youth mentoring
How school-community partnerships contribute to widespread volunteer mentoring with youth: A study of environmental change in three communities
Can involvement in a mentoring program affect enrollment persistence for minority students
Online mentoring: The promise and pitfalls of an emerging approach
Building relationships: A guide for new mentors
Designing an effective training program for your mentors
Preparing mentees for success: A program manager's guide
Questions that matter: Setting the research agenda on access and success in postsecondary education
Income of U.S. workforce projected to decline if education doesn't improve
Trends in college pricing 2005
National Dropout Prevention Centers
Improving the middle grades: Actions that can be taken now
Education pays update 2005
Learning communities and student success in postsecondary education
Workbook of state affordability rates 2004
Net price to family for dependent and independent undergraduate students by institutional type/control and parental income quartiles, 2004
Addressing student loan repayment burdens: Strengths and weaknesses of the current system
By the numbers: State goals for increasing postsecondary attainment
Breaking through: Helping low-skilled adults enter and succeed in college and careers
Federal student loan debt:1993-2004
Investing in America's future
The broader societal benefits of higher education
Higher education's contribution to the knowledge economy
State higher education finance: FY 2004
Data don't drive: Building a practitioner driven culture of inquiry to assess community college performance
Dreams detoured: Rising college costs alter plans and threaten futures
Postsecondary institutions in the United States: Fall 2004 and degrees and other awards conferred: 2003-04
Global debt patterns: An international comparison of student loan burdens and repayment conditions
Increasing success for underserved students: Redesigning introductory courses
Access and persistence: Fall 2005
Measuring up on college-level learning
Locked up and locked out: An educational perspective on the U.S. prison pipeline
Working their way through college: Student employment and its impact on the college experience
National High School Center
What research tells us about college access: Assuring the success of all students
Institutional graduation rate for 1985 entering cohorts
Student success or student non-dissatisfaction: Considering the purpose guided approach to the first year of college
Condition of education 2006
It's my life: A framework for youth transitioning from foster care to successful adulthood
Higher education for undocumented students: The case for open admission and in-state tuition rates for students without lawful immigration status
American higher education: How does it measure up for the twenty-first century
Whatever it takes: How twelve commuities are reconnecting out-of-school youth
National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education
Research brief: How do career interventions impact the educational choices of eighth grade students
What effect does a career intervention have on at-risk middle school students' career maturity levels, self-esteem, and academic achievement
College persistence on the rise? Changes in 5-year degree completion and postsecondary persistence rates between 1994 and 2000
Engagement by design
Trends in college pricing 2003
Informing public policy: Financial aid and student persistence
Pell Grant recipients in selective colleges and universities
Student success: Statewide P-16 systems -- student financial assistance
Losing ground: A national status report on the affordability of American higher education
Getting through college: Voices of low-income and minority students in New England
Just and efficient college finance
Meeting the access challenge: Indiana's Twenty-first Century Scholars program
Rhetoric and reality: Effects and consequences of the HOPE scholarship
Choice of institution: Changing student attendance patterns in the 1990’s
When saving means losing: Weighing the benefits of college-savings plans
HBCU graduates: Employment, earnings, and success after college
Upward Bound
Lifelong lessons: Non-traditional becomes the “norm” as adults blaze new trails to college
Borrowers who drop out: A neglected aspect of the college student loan trend
It’s all relative: The role of parents in college financing and enrollment
High school academic curriculum and persistence path through college: Persistence and transfer behavior of undergraduates 3 years after entering 4 year institutions
What works in student retention
Fifty years after Brown v. Board of Education: A two-tiered education system
Making the grade in college prep: A guide for improving college preparation programs
A shared agenda endnote annotated bibliography
Campus racial climate and the adjustment of students to college: A comparison between white students and African-American students
A matter of degrees: Improving graduation rates in four-year colleges and universities
Engaging community colleges: National benchmarks of quality
Latino youth finishing college: The role of selective pathways
Indiana’s postsecondary indicators: 2004 performance and descriptive indicators
High school graduation rates by race/ethnicity, limited English proficiency, free and reduced price lunch
Public education and black male students: A state report card
Improving education outcomes for foster youth
The education liason model
Undocumented immigrant students and access to higher education: An overview of federal and state policy
Education pays 2004: The benefits of higher education for individuals and society
Challenging the myths: Rethinking the role of school counselors
The educational pipeline: Big investment, big returns
Low-income adults in profile: Improving lives through higher education
Adult persistence and success in higher education: A brief annotated bibliography of online resources
Opening doors: Expanding educational opportunities for low-income workers.
Workforce contingent financial aid: How states link financial aid to employment
The adult learning gap: Why states need to change their policies toward adult learners
Held back: How student aid programs fail working adults
Work first, study second: Adult undergraduates who combine employment and postsecondary enrollment
Double the numbers: Postsecondary attainment and underrepresented youth
Restricted access: The doors to higher education remain closed to many deserving students
Following the mobile student: Can we develop the capacity for a comprehensive database to assess student progression
Network news: Focus on technology's impact on postsecondary education
At what cost? The price that working students pay for a college education
Short-term enrollment in postsecondary education: Student background and institutional differences in reasons for early departure, 1996-98
Mentoring programs: An annotated online bibliography of online resources
Descriptive summary of 1995-96 beginning postsecondary students: Six years later
The affordability of university education: A perspective from both sides of the 49th parallel
Global higher education rankings: Affordability and accessibility in comparative perspective
Paying for college: Changes between 1990 and 2000 for full-time dependent undergraduates
How families of low- and middle-income undergraduates pay for college: Full-time dependent students in 1999-2000
Crucial choices: How students financial decisions affect their academic success
Public attitudes on higher education
Easy money: How congress could increase federal student aid funding at no additional cost to taxpayers
Student debt: Bigger and bigger
College on credit: How borrowers perceive their education debt
The changing landscape of American public education: New students, new schools
School and parent interaction by household language and poverty status: 2002–03
Children at risk: Consequences for school readiness and beyond
School readiness: Closing racial and ethnic gaps
Practical guidelines for the education of English language learners: Research based recommendations for instruction and academic interventions
College learning for the new global century
College access marketing
College bound seniors 2006
How do financial aid policies affect colleges? The institutional impact of the Georgia HOPE scholarship
Trends in college pricing 2004
Achievement gaps: An examination of differences in student achievement and growth
From their voices: American Indians in higher education and the phenomenon of stepping out
Next steps: Research and practice to advance Indian education
Creating role models for change: A survey of tribal college graduates
Promoting educational success for young people in foster care
Exploring relationships between student engagement and student outcomes in community colleges: Report on validation research
The future of private loans: Who is borrowing and why?
Latinos online
Beating the odds: An analysis of student performance and achievement gaps on state assessments – Results from the 2005-2006 school year
Nontraditional undergraduates
Understanding high school graduation rates
College Access for the Working Poor: Overcoming Burdens to Succeed in Higher Education
It's not enough to get through the open door: Inequalities by social background in transfer from community colleges to four-year colleges
Inspring vision, disappointing results: Four studies on implementing the No Child Left Behind Act
Latinas in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
Making accountability work: Community colleges and statewide higher education accountability systems
Feasibility of a student unit record system within the integrated postsecondary education data system
What it's worth: Field of training and economic status in 2001
Enacting diverse learning environments: Improving the climate for racial/ethnic diversity in higher education
A multi-institution analysis of the effects of campus-based financial aid on student persistence at public four-year institutions
Keeping America competitive: Five strategies to improve mathematics and science education
Teens and technology: Youth are leading the transition to a fully wired and mobile nation
Improving student assessment: A toolkit for developing organizational and administrative support for student assessment
National Indian education study part I: The performance of American Indian and Alaska Native fourth- and eighth-grade students on NAEP 2005 reading and mathematics assessments
Profile of undergraduates in U.S. postsecondary education institutions: 2003-04, With a special analysis of community college students
Engaged learning: Fostering success for all students
Transitioning adults to college: Adult basic education program models
Home broadband adoption 2006
College degrees benefit states and individuals significantly
Linking teacher and student data to improve teacher and teaching quality
Promoting parent involvement (part I)
User's guide to computing high school graduation rates, Volume 1: Review of current and proposed graduation indicators
Diplomas count: An essential guide to graduation policy and rates
Merit aid and college access
National Student Clearinghouse
Connecting the dots: Multi-faceted analyses of the relationships between student engagement results from the NSSE, and the institutional practices and conditions that foster student success
Dealing with debt: 1992-93 bachelor's degree recipients 10 years later
ACT college readiness benchmarks, retention, and first-year college GPA: What's the connection?
Rethinking high school graduation rates and trends
Focus on basics: Connecting research & practice
The challenge of teaching (and learning) in prison
Evaluation summary: Montgomery GI bill program, Montgomery GI bill - selected reserve program, survivors' and dependents' educational assistance program
En route to the baccalaureate: Community college student outcomes
A test of leadership: Charting the future of U.S. higher education
Improving access to the baccalaureate
Latino achievement in the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics
Education watch online
English language learners: Boosting academic achievement
The connection collection: School-family-community connections database
Partnering with families and communities
Counselor ratios by state 2002
Mentoring: The forgotton retention tool
Paying for college: The rising cost of higher education
State government and regional accreditation association policies for assessment of student learning: Tools for policymakers and administrators
What state policymakers should know about federal higher education policy
Trends in college pricing 2006
American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian education in the states
Engines of inequality: Diminishing equity in the nation's primier public universities
Raising minority academic achievement: A compendium of education programs and practices
Answers in the tool box: Academic intensity, attendance patterns, and bachelor's degree attainment
Education and the economy: An indicators report
A research agenda for the study of the effects of borrowing and the prospects of indebtedness on students' college-going choices
Recession, retrenchment, and recovery: State higher education funding and student financial aid. Volume II: State profiles
Native American higher education initiative: Educating the mind and spirit
Trends in African American and Native American participation in STEM higher education
Educational attainment in the United States: 2003
Pathways for all students to succeed (PASS) act
Best evidence encyclopedia: Center for data-driven reform in education
Understanding college access for under-represented students: Trends, issues, and strategies
Education pays 2006
Hoosiers on Jupiter
The nation's dropout crisis: Indiana's tool-box to help students succeed
Tennessee higher education commission: The case for P-16 education in Tennessee
Preparing youth for careers, lifelong learning, and civic participation
National Center for Family and Community Connections with Schools
Building strong families 2004
The advanced placement expansion of the '90's: How did traditionally underserved students fare
Where the boys aren't: Recent trends in U.S. college enrollment patterns
An assessment of recent proposals to improve the Montgomery GI bill
Achieving the dream: Community college counts
Yes we can: Telling truths and dispelling myths about race and education in America
Smart boys, bad grades
English language instruction for incarcerated youth
What works clearinghouse
Characteristics of undergraduate borrowers: 1999-2000
Education and correctional populations
Integral correctional education: Three explanatory essays
Three state recidivism study
Progress of education reform: Hispanic achievement
Reforms that could help narrow the achievement gap
User's guide to computing high school graduation rates, Volume 2: Technical evaluation of proxy graduation indicators
Teachers and the gender gaps in student achievement
Involving parents
Midwest PERL: Postsecondary education resource library
Addressing financial aid in college preparation programs
Serving adults in higher education: Principles of effectiveness
Frequently asked questions about college costs
Aligning postsecondary expectations and high school practice: The gap defined
The path of many journeys: The benefits of higher education for native people and communities
Costs, prices, and affordability
Measuring up internationally: Developing skills and knowledge for the global economy
Education issues 2007
A synthesis of recommendations for improving U.S. science and mathematics education
Money on the table: State initiatives to improve financial aid participation
The road less traveled? Students who enroll in multiple institutions
Emergency financial aid for community college students: Implementation and early lessons from the Dreamkeepers and Angel Fund programs.
Diplomas Count: Ready for What?
Summer Opportunity Scholarships (SOS): A Proposal to Narrow the Skills Gap
Can California import enough college graduates to meet workforce needs? (California Counts)
Course credit accrual and dropping out of high school
Linking NAEP achievement levels to TIMSS
Education watch 2006 state summary reports
Maximizing the power of education data while ensuring compliance with federal student privacy laws: A guide for state policymakers
Knowledge for practice: A training program for college access advisors
America's perfect storm: Three forces changing our nation's future
Study of the effect of the Talent Search program on secondary and postsecondary outcomes in Florida, Indiana and Texas: Final report from Phase II of the National Evaluation
Critical connections: Linking states’ unit record systems to track student progress
The effects of merit-based financial aid on course enrollment, withdrawal, and completion in college
Reading next: A vision for action and research in middle and high school literacy
Students entering and leaving postsecondary occupational education: 1995-2001
Who's left behind? Immigrant children in high and low LEP schools
Rigor and relevance: A new vision for career and technical education
Closing the achivement gap series part II: Response to intervention (RTI), basic elements, practical applications, and policy recommendations
A summary of research and publications on early childhood for American Indian and Alaska native children
Pre-K and Latinos: The foundation for America's future
Inventing Hispanic serving institution (HSIs): The basics
Tracking achievement gaps and assessing the impact of NCLB on the gaps
Annotated bibliography: Perspectives in postsecondary education programs and student support interventions
Racial transformation and the changing nature of segregation
College admission testing
Working together - school-family-community partnerships: A toolkit for New Mexico school communities
Gender differences in participation and completion of undergraduate education and how they have changed over time
Achieving equitable educational outcomes with all students: The institutions' roles and responsibilities
Male retention at the community college
Gender differences in postsecondary education
2003 Status report on the federal education loan programs
Debt burden: A comparison of 1992-93 and 1999-2000 bachelor's degree recipients a year after graduating
35th Annual survey report on state-sponsored student financial aid: 2003-2004 Academic year
College scholarship fraud prevention act of 2000: Annual report to Congress
From risk to opportunity: Fulfilling the educational needs of Hispanic Americans in the twenty-first century
Student financing of graduate and first professional education: 1999-2000
Student financial aid: Need determination could be enhanced through improvements in education's estimate of applicants state tax payments
State policy and community college-baccalaureate transfer
Principal indicators of student academic histories in postsecondary education: 1972-2000
Adult learners and state policy
Student loan forbearance and its relationship to default
Gender equity in higher education: Are males at a disadvantage
Foster youth educational attainment: An annotated bibliography of online resources
An overview of higher education in the United States: Diversity, access, and the role of the marketplace
Education as crime prevention: Reinstating Pell Grant eligibility for the incarcerated
Higher education reform: Incorporating the needs of foster youth
Is more better? The impact of postsecondary education on the social and economic well-being of American society
What’s wrong with the guys
Parsing the achievement gap: Baselines for tracking progress
Latino students and the educational pipeline: Pathways to the bachelor’s degree for Latino students
Investing early: Intervention programs in selected U.S. states
Student debt levels continue to rise: Stafford indebtedness: 1999 update
The investment payoff: A 50 state analysis of the public and private benefits of higher education.
21st century skills for 21st century jobs
What is opportunity? Defining, operationalizing, and measuring the goal of postsecondary educational opportunity
Higher education act: Reauthorization status and issues
College affordability: Overlooked long-term trends and recent 50 state patterns
Student financing of undergraduate education: 1999-2000
Learning in the fast lane: Adult learners’ persistence and success in accelerated college programs
Community College Research Center
Classroom teaching practices: Ten lessons learned
Career advancement for low-income workers through community college and community-based organization partnerships
It's my life: Employment
Beyond the 49th parallel II: The affordability of university education
Changes in patterns of price and financial aid
The higher dropout rate of foreign-born teens: The role of schooling abroad
State shortfalls projected to continue, despite economic gains
Convergence: Trends threatening to narrow college opportunity in America
To ensure America's future: Building a national opportunity system for adults
Status and trends in the education of American Indians and Alaska Natives
Investment payoff: The benefits of a higher education in the Midwestern states
The impact of demographic changes on higher education
Increasing the representation of women and people of color in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM): Scan and synopsis of approaches and opportunities
A look at immigrant youth: Prospects and promising practices
Powerful pathways: Framing options and opportunities for vulnerable youth
Challenges in improving Latino college enrollment: Opportunities for systemic change: Viewpoints from California
Reaching out to diverse populations: What can schools do to foster family-school connections?
National Priorities Project Database
Transitions to college: From theory to practice
Academic tutoring and mentoring: A literature review
Be a mentor: Training guide for facilitated mentoring programs
Mentoring programs and youth development: A synthesis
Toward an assessment and evaluation framework for mentoring processes and results
Effectiveness of mentoring programs for youth: A meta-analytic review
Effectiveness of youth mentoring programs not always as advertised
What's in it for mentors
Foster youth: Tips for completing
Program evaluation practice in the nonprofit sector
Overcoming obstacles to preparing for college: Perspectives from a rural Upward Bound program
Projections of education statistics to 2014
1992-93 Bachelor's degree recipients and their opinions about education in 2003
State merit aid programs: Responses by Florida community colleges
Setting the '08 education agenda for the nation: Aligning early learning, K-12, and postsecondary systems
PISA 2006 Science Competencies for Tomorrow's World
Workers need training, not tough talk
Understanding NAEP: Inside the nation's education report card
What works clearinghouse: Character education
Putting English language learners on the educational map: The No Child Left Behind Act implemented
Education pays 2007: The benefits of higher education for individuals and society
Seven activities for enhancing the replicability of evidence-based practices
'Restoring value' to the high school diploma: The rhetoric and practice of higher standards
Education and Public Safety
Beyond access: How the first semester matters for community college students' aspirations and persistence
Affirmation and discovery: Learning from successful community college developmental programs in Texas
Achievement trap: How America is failing millions of high-achieving students from lower-income families
Status of education in rural America
What Works Clearinghouse: Beginning Reading
Lessons on assessing the costs of small high schools: Evidence from Seattle and Denver
Postsecondary education tuition and required fees in Indiana: 2007-09
Postsecondary Access and Success
Renewing the promise: The public universities in a transforming world
Working it out: Community colleges and the Workforce Investment Act
The global state of higher education and the rise of private finance: Financing Higher Education in the 21st Century
2007 ACT College Readiness Report
Financing asset building and financial education programs for youth transitioning out of foster care
Setting the stage: Adults in Higher Education
Choices, changes, and challenges: Curriculum and instruction in the NCLB era
Comparative indicators of education in the United States and other G-8 countries: 2006
Texas public universities' data and performance report: Part A
Delta project on postsecondary education costs, productivity, and accountability
Teaching Millennial students
Generation X and The Millennials: What You Need to Know About Mentoring the New Generations
Using materials from other organizations: Issues to consider
Ten years after college: Comparing the employment experiences of 1992-93 Bachelor's degree recipients with academic and career-oriented majors
Trends in undergraduate borrowing II: Federal student loans In 1995-96, 1999-2000, and 2003-04
Homework Hotline
State policies to bring adult learning into focus
Windows on achievement and inequality
Higher Education in Michigan: Overcoming Challenges to Expand Access
Adult learning in focus: National and state-by-state data
The landscape of noncredit workforce education: State policies and community college practices
Getting ahead of losing ground: Economic mobility in America
Houston, do we really have a problem here?
The real technology challenge
National dropout prevention center for students with disabilities
Top ten issues affecting public higher education
North Central Regional Educational Research Laboratory: Data Primer
Learn and Serve America
Ron Brown Scholar Program
Partnerships for public purposes: Engaging higher education in societal challenges of the 21st Century
Toward a national workforce education and training policy
Center for Law and Social Policy
Out before the game begins: Hispanic leaders talk about what's needed to bring more Hispanic youngsters into science, technology and math professions
Lessons learned: New teachers talk about their jobs, challenges, and long-range plans
Voice of adult learners united to educate (VALUE)
Wealth mobility and volatility in black and white
38th Annual survey report on state-sponsored student financial aid
ETS Policy Notes: Adult education in America
ETS Policy Notes: Addressing achievement gaps: The language acquisition and educational achievement of English-language learners
National Center for Postsecondary Education
Education and training for TANF recipients: Opportunities and challenges under the final rule
21st Century skills, education, and competitiveness: A resource and policy guide
Education at a glance 2008: OECD indicators
Examining American Indian perspectives in the Central Region on parent's involvement in education
Educational Attainment in the United States: 2007
US Census Bureau: Educational attainment data
Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP)
Background on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
National Postsecondary Education Cooperative
Targeting of student aid programs according to financial need
The future of middle-skill jobs
Youth transition funders group
Youth transitioning from foster care: Background, federal programs and issues for Congress
Brain Track College and University Directory
Community colleges and the economic downturn
Montgomery GI bill - active duty
Trends in college spending: Where does the money come from? Where does it go?
Education pays (graph): 2008 Unemployment and median weekly earnings by level of education
FinAid: Financial aid for veterans and their dependents
The Bologna Process for US eyes: Re-learning higher education in the Age of Convergence
Educational policies for integrating college competencies and workforce needs: Cases from Brazil, Mongolia, Ukraine, and the United States
The effects of transitions on access to higher education
Foster youth: Tips for completing the FAFSA (2008-09)
Searchable English-Spanish glossary
Intervention Center
National Commission on Asian American and Pacific Islander Research in Education
Commission on the use of standardized tests in undergraduate admissions report
US News and World Report: Best Colleges 2009
Mapping new directions: Higher education for older adults
The 2008 foundation for child development child and youth well-being index (CWI) report
Dedicated funding for higher education: Alternatives for tough economic times
Bridges to opportunity for underprepared adults: A state policy guide for community college leaders
Can separate be equal? The overlooked flaw at the center of No Child Left Behind
Learning Point Associates: Data for school improvement
Australian Government Career Quiz
Career Cluster Survey
Career OneStop Skills Center
Focus on rising college textbook prices
Education Equality Project
2008 College-bound seniors
Cost of quality: Out-of-school time cost calculator
FinAid: Income-based repayment
Counseling and guidance lesson plans
Child trends: Education
Meaningful measurement: The role of assessments in improving high school education in the twenty-first century
Finding a way: Practical examples of how a principal-counselor relationship can lead to success for all students
Early-college high school: Modest experiment or national movement?
Promoting economic mobility by increasing postsecondary education
A new goal for America's high schools: College preparation for all
The misplaced math student: Lost in eighth-grade Algebra
Developing the STEM education pipeline
The savvy teacher's guide: Reading interventions that work
How colleges organize themselves to increase student persistence: Four-year institutions (College Board study on student retention)
Graduation rates map
Latinos in graduate education
Gauging growth: How to judge No Child Left Behind?
New York City's middle-grade schools: Platforms for success or pathways to failure?
SREB Fact Book on Higher Education
Latinos in undergraduate education
Better outcomes for low-income youth and adults: Lessons from MetLife foundation awards
Tapping America's potential: The education for innovation initiative
What is P-16? A primer for legislators - a practical introduction to the concept, language and policy issues of an integrated system of public education
Keeping America's promise: A report on the future of the community college
National postsecondary education cooperative 2006 symposium – Draft commissioned papers
Degree completions in areas of national need: 1996-97 to 2001-02
Federal Pell Grants: Implications of increasing the maximum award
Indiana P-16 Policy Roundtable: Education strengthened when treated as a seamless whole
Double the work: Challenges and solutions to acquiring academic literacy for adolescent english language learners
Recent STEM initiatives
Hispanic education in the United States
P-16 collaboration in the states
The progress of P-16 collaboration in the states
Education counts
Student financing of undergraduate education 2003-04, with a special analysis of the net price of attendance and federal education tax benefits
Promise abandoned: How policy choices and institutional practices restrict college opportunity
Statement before the subcommittee on personnel committee on armed services United States senate
State merit scholarship programs and racial inequality
The National Center for College Costs
Recession, retrenchment, and recovery: State higher education funding and student financial aid
Rural education at a glance
Program evaluation: A methodological primer for program administrators
Undocumented immigrants: Facts and figures
Learning to reduce recidivism: A 50-state analysis of postsecondary correctional education policy
Indiana project on academic success
Estimates of the size and characteristics of the undocumented population
Student-to-counselor ratios 2004
Undocumented immigrants: Myths and reality
Population Matters: A Rand Labor and Population Program
Career and technical education
Growing by degrees: Online education in the United States
Accountability for better results: A national imperative for higher education
National center for public policy and higher education
Estimates of the unauthorized migrant population for states based on the March 2005 CPS
Building blocks for college access
National High School Alliance
The size and characteristics of the unauthorized migrant population in the U.S.
Promoting student success through student engagement
Closing achievement gaps: Improving educational outcomes for Hispanic children
Counseling and college counseling in America's high schools
Raising and educating healthy boys: A report on the growing crisis in boys' education
National center for school counseling outcome research
Science and engineering indicators 2006
Differences in the gender gap: Comparisons across racial/ethnic groups in education and work
Education watch: Links to 2003 state summaries
Education watch: Links to 2004 state summaries
Disconnected youth: Educational pathways to reconnection
Leave no youth behind: The higher education act and disconnected youth
Moving forward with Core 40
No merit in these scholarships
Annotated bibliography of TRIO research, evaluation, and program practices
Male and female degree recipients by level of degree from 1997 to (projected) 2009
Remedial education at degree-granting postsecondary institutions in Fall 2000
Achieving diversity: Race neutral alternatives in American education
Preparing diverse adolescents for the transition to adulthood
Where the boys aren't: The drift away from academic achievement is a trend
Trends in educational equity of girls and women: 2004
Workplace values assessment: Do you know the work values you most want in a job and an employer -- and does your current employer reflect these values? A Quintessential careers quiz
Job Futures Interest Quiz
Using a SWOT analysis in your career planning
Putting middle grades students on the graduation path: A policy and practice brief
Late high school dropouts: Characteristics, experiences, and changes across cohorts
State budget shortfalls: Postsecondary education impacts
The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES)
Career Games
Education World Career Tests
Center for College Affordability and Productivity
The transformative individual school counseling model: An accountability model for urban school counselors
Black Alliance for Educational Options
Beyond social justice: The threat of inequality to workforce development in the Western United States
Financial (aid) info slang
The positive impacts of social and emotional learning for kindergarten to eighth grade students
Educational Attainment in the United States: 2008 (tables)
KIDS COUNT 2008 Data Book Online
The Pangloss Index: How states game the No Child Left Behind Act
National Institute for Literacy
Adult ESL Teacher Credentialing and Certification
Institute of Real Estate Management Foundation Minority Outreach Scholarship
RMHC Scholarship Program
Network for Good
The Black Collegian Online: The Career Site for Students of Color
Economic mobility: Is the American Dream alive and well?
U.S. population projections: 2005-2050
The enhanced reading opportunities study: Early impact and implementation findings
Developing original campaign materials: Issues to consider
In pursuit of a diverse science, technology, engineering, and mathematics workforce: Recommended research priorities to enhance participation by underrepresented minorities
African American students and U.S. high schools
Back to school: Federal student aid policy and adult college enrollment
Balancing acts: How high school counselors view risks and opportunities of student loans
Differential characteristics of 2-year postsecondary institutions
Educational attainment in the United States: 2005
California policy options to accelerate Latino success in higher education
Hispanic attitudes toward learning English
Opportunity in America: The role of education
Innovation America: A compact for postsecondary education
Rethinking high school: Five profiles of innovative models for student success
Squeeze play: How parents and the public look at higher education today
Raising the compulsory school attendance age: The case for reform
Framing new terrain: Older adults & higher education
What works clearinghouse: Early childhood education
What works clearinghouse: Elementary school math
A commitment to America's future: Responding to the crisis in mathematics and science education
U.S. population projection
Improving quality and equity in education: Inspriring a new century of excellence in teaching and assessment
Pacific Northwest scholarship guide - online
Top 26 colleges for Latinos
Moving beyond AYP: High school performance indicators
The path to career success: High school achievement, certainty of career choice, and college readiness make a difference
Reading Rockets: Teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle
The state of learning disabilities 2009
Teens and social media
The 2008 Brown Center report on American education: How well are American students learning
A closer look at the principal-counselor relationship: A survey of principals and counselors
Financing higher education: A myriad of problems, a myriad of solutions
SREB Factbook on higher education
National Directory of One Stop Centers
Ball State Career Center: Career assessments
FinAid: Student loan advisor - Master's students
FinAid: Student loan advisor - Doctoral students
FinAid: Student loan advisor - Undergraduate students
Institutions with approved programs for veterans to receive educational benefits
Educational outcomes for children and youth in foster and out-of-home care
Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits: Post-9/11 veterans educational assistance act of 2008
Education attainment levels for the states: Degree completion overview charts (by state)
College Board scholarship search
Your college loan options: Education loans come in many shapes and sizes
Education Commission of the States: Database of virtual high schools
Graduate enrollment and degrees: 1996-2006
Policies to promote adult education and postsecondary alignment
2007 Kids Count Data Book
Degree attainment
Family involvement in elementary school childrens' education
Family involvement in early childhood education
Toward a more comprehensive conception of college readiness
Institutional research and the culture of evidence at community colleges
Database of 21st century skills assessments
Wrestling rising costs with innovation
Higher education accountability for student learning
Funding Gaps 2006
Sustaining focus on secondary school reading: Lessons and recommendations from the Alabama reading initiative
State Cards (statistical snapshots of high school data by state)
Featured advocacy initiatives
Education Finance Council
One in 100: Behind bars in America 2008
Financial aid pledges to reduce student debt (list of colleges and universities reducing or eliminating student loans for low-income families)
FYI3: National network for foster children and foster youth: Foster Club, USA
The Bologna club: What U.S. higher education can learn from a decade of higher education reconstruction
Morris K. Udall Scholarship
National Coalition for Literacy
Helping community college students cope with financial emergencies: Lessons from teh Dreamkeepers and Angel Fund financial aid programs
Achievement in America
Pathways to college policy forum
Education watch: Achievement gap summary tables
Parental involvement: Why it matters, how to get it
Relationship between campus climate and college success
Quality on the line: Benchmarks for success in Internet-based distance education
National Survey of Student Engagement
Organizations that support foster youth
Counseling and college access advising resources
Foster youth: Funding for college
Economic diversity of colleges: College-level data for researchers and the public
Education success program: A collaborative approach to an old challenge
Keeping middle grades students on track to graduation - Powerpoint presentation
NAEP High school transcript study (HSTS)
Measuring up
NSLDS student access: National sudent loan data system
Adolescence: Are parents relevant to students' high school achievement and postsecondary attainment
Project on student
Addressing achievement gaps: Leading the challenge of developing high-potential youth
Access and persistence: Spring 2006
Alliance for excellent education: Every child a graduate
Tuition discounting: Not just a private college practice
Projections of education statistics to 2015
The state of preschool: 2005 State preschool yearbook
Voices of students on engagement: A report on the 2006 High School Survey of Student Engagement
Afterschool program clearinghouse
Reflections on college access and persistence
Georgia HOPE scholarship and minority and low-income students: Program effects and proposed reforms
Building bridges to college and careers: Contextualized basic skills programs at community colleges
A noble opportunity: Leading education change through a P-16 accountability model
Improving college readiness and success for all students: A joint responsibility between K-12 and postsecondary education
State fiscal crises and cuts in higher education: The implications for access, institutional performance, and strategic reengineering
Occupational employment projections to 2014
Findings from the Condition of Education 2007: High School Coursetaking
Entering kindergarten: A portrait of American children when they begin school
Managing Millennials
Setting up success in developmental education: How state policy can help community colleges improve student success outcomes
Rethinking the middleman: Federal student loan guarantee agencies
Achievement gaps: How black and white students in public schools perform in mathematics and reading on the National Assessment of Educational Progress
Ups and downs: Does the American economy still promote upward mobility?
National studies find TRIO programs effective at increasing college enrollment and graduation
The fiscal effects of investing in high-quality preschool programs
Student Loan Borrower Assistance
Admissions in the 21st Century
OEDb's Online College Rankings 2009
The Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University
Value of a college education (calculator)
Helping foster youth and wards of the court complete the FAFSA
Official cohort default rates for schools
Preparing students for college
Learning to manage Millennials
Academic competitiveness grant
Racial disparities and the new federalism
Peace Corps: Programs for graduate students
Congressional foster youth internship program
Wising up: How government can partner with business to increase skills and advance low-wage workers
Federal education budget project
STEM Education Coalition
Financial aid need estimator
RTNDA Scholarships
Learn and Serve America: National Service Learning Clearinghouse
Student Exchange Programs
From cradle to career: Connecting American education from birth through adulthood; Washington state report
From cradle to career: Connecting American education from birth through adulthood; California state report
How much debt is too much? Definting benchmarks for manageable student debt
Career and technical education's role in American competitiveness
College affordability for students from low and lower-middle income families
College enrollment gender gap widens for White and Hispanic students, but race and income disparities still most significant new ACE report finds
Dropping out of high school and the place of career and technical education: A survival analysis of surviving high school
Addressing the needs of adult learners
Determining SAT benchmarks for college readiness
Building a science, technology, engineering, and math agenda
A call to action: Why America must innovate
Institutional characteristics
Child care and early education state-by-state data
Student-to-counselor ratios 2006
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
An annotated bibliography of Latino educational research
Outcomes of the school choice and supplemental educational services provisions of NCLB
Trends in college pricing 2007
National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER)
Diversity and the college curriculum: How colleges and universities are preparing students for a changing world
Distance learning in postsecondary career and technical education
Alternatives to the grade point average as measures of academic achievement in college
Bridging troubled waters: Competition, cooperation, and the public good in independent and higher education
The progress of education reform: Closing the achievement gap
Failing grades? American families and their college savings efforts
Dispelling the myth - Online
The campus-based financial aid programs: A review and analysis of the allocation of funds to institutions and the distribution of aid to students
Detailed information on the Montgomery GI bill - veterans education benefits assessment
The PISA 2003 assessment framework: Mathematics, reading, science and problem solving knowledge and skills
American FactFinder
The postsecondary education experiences of high school career and technical education concentrators
The big list on parent involvement
Grapevine: An annual compilation of data on state tax apropriations for the general operation of higher education
Turning college and career planning into family communication
Claiming common ground: State policymaking for improving college readiness and success
Recent changes in the entry of Hispanic and White youth into college
Corrections study of higher education and recidivism
Foster youth: Model programs
Foster youth: Policy studies and recommendations
ACT information for policymakers: What works in student retention
Taking a closer look: A guide to online resources on family involvement
Occupational outlook handbook 2006-07 edition
Rural patterns of college-going: The story of one community
Developing and using student data: Bartholomew county's six year follow-up study
Improving education outcomes for foster youth: The Guardian Scholars Project Year 1
Educational Success Program
Epstein's six types of involvement
College Results Online
I can't
Working learners: Educating our entire workforce for success in the 21st century
The Everyone Graduates Center
Pathways to economic mobility: Key indicators
NCES Search for Schools, Colleges, and Libraries Forum on Child and Family Statistics
Ready to assemble: Grading state higher education accountability systems
Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics
Economic Opportunity Index
2007-08 National postsecondary student aid study (NPSAS:08): Student financial aid estimates for 2007-08
US Department of Veterans Affairs GI Bill website
OEDb Online Education Database
A descriptive study of urban school counseling
Princeton Review scholarship search
No Child Left Behind: What's in it for parents (Spanish Language Version)
Staff employment distribution
Projected high school graduates
Community college faculty degree attainment
Community college CEO characteristics
Community college fast facts
Leading the conversion process: Lessons learned and recommendations for converting to small learning communities
Adult learners in higher education: Barriers to success and strategies to improve results
Answering the question that matters most: Has student achievement increased since No Child Left Behind?
Does career and technical education affect college enrollment?
Tour of the male student mind in American higher education
Scholarships for Hispanics
Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program
NACME Scholarships
Korean American Scholarship Foundation
Law, Education, Social Services Scholarships
The status of Latinos/as in engineering: Confronting the "new" American dilemma
The status of African Americans in engineering: Confronting the "new" American dilemma
The Fortune Society: Prisoner Re-entry
How much does the federal government spend to promote economic mobility and for whom?
Economic mobility project
Neighborhood Family Services Coalition
California Youth Connection
Foster Family-based Treatment Association
National Scholarship Providers Association
College Opportunities Online Locator (COOL)
NCAA report on the federal graduation-rates data
Parent involvement in schools
Working with parents and families
Increasing access to college: Distance education takes on a new importance
Realized potential or lost talent: What does lead to success in college
The National Survey of Student Engagement (Presentation)
How to increase father involvement at your school: The nuts and bolts of father involvement
Education statistics quarterly
U.S. immigration: Trends and implications for schools
Digest of education statistics
Indiana project on academic success: Retention bibliography
As America becomes more diverse: The impact of state higher education inequality
State Education Reform
Documenting the shift to merit
Veterans benefits administration reports
Education resource organizations directory
The seventh generation: Native students speak about finding the good path
Economic diversity on campus
Regional factbook for higher education in the west
Latinos in elementary education
A scan of our changing environment, 2004 - 2005
How far behind in math and reading are English language learners?
Federal student financial aid: A national profile of programs in Title IV of the higher education act
Beyond the basics: Achieving a liberal education for all children
Assessing bilingual students for placement and instruction
Mounting pressures facing the U.S. workforce and the increasing need for adult education and literacy
PBS Parents: Going to school (guide for parents)