Published monthly, Pathways to College Network's E-Newsletter synthesizes the latest news, research and resources related to college preparation, access, financial aid, and success. There is no cost to subscribe.
New Book Asserts American College Students are "Academically Adrift"
The University of Chicago Press has released Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses, co-authored by the Social Science Research Council's (and Pathways Partner) Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa, of the University of Virginia. It reports sobering findings about what students are (not) learning in their first two years of college. Also see the companion report, Improving Undergraduate Learning: Findings and Policy Recommendations from the SSRC-CLA Longitudinal Project. Additional information on the project can be found at
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From the Field: Pathways Partners and Friends Making a Difference in Access
ACE, Achieve, and SHEEO Track the Progress of the Common Core State Standards and Assessments Implementation
This report tracks the progress of implementing the Common Core standards and highlights key areas requiring active participation from higher education leaders across the country.
AYPF Examines the Role of Summer Bridge Programs in Promoting College Readiness and Completion
This forum brief discusses how colleges across the nation are striving to reduce the number of students requiring developmental education by using summer bridge programs. Summer bridge programs have emerged as a promising intervention designed to provide graduating high school seniors with the academic and college-going skills required to be successful college students.
CLASP Launches We Dream a World: The 2025 Vision for Black Men and Boys
This significant new report presents a broad social and political strategy to drastically change outcomes for young black boys who will come of age in the year 2025. It is the product of five years of research and discussions by a diverse set of scholars, researchers and other thought leaders in the African American community.
Lumina Unveils New "First in the Family" Website in Partnership with What Kids Can Do
The new site offers advice to high school students - from high school students - about college and is a strong complement to the KH2GO website.
From the Field: Pathways Partners and Friends Making a Difference in Success
AYPF Addresses Increasing Postsecondary Success
This forum brief highlights community colleges that are effectively addressing the challenge of developmental education, removing other barriers to persistence, and providing a system of supports to help today’s diverse learners progress to degree completion.
Casey Family Foundation Releases Supporting Success: Improving Higher Education Outcomes for Students from Foster Care
Supporting Success, now in its second edition, provides useful information for college counselors, student support services programs and TRIO programs. It provides professionals and advocates with a powerful tool for improving postsecondary education and training outcomes for students in and from foster care.
CAP and Brookings Challenge Higher Education to Provide More Information to the Public
Two recent reports raise the challenge of providing students and their families reliable information on the costs and benefits of college. Grading Higher Education, by Bridget Terry Long, outlines a plan to provide students and families greater access to information on college choices and The Social Life of College, by Julie Margetta Morgan and Louis Soares, provides recommendations on how to present the information in a way that is relevant to individual students’ decisions.
College Board Cracks the Student Aid Code
This new research explores the attitudes, expectations and experiences of parents and students of low- and moderate-income backgrounds with the student financial aid process and examines respondents’ reactions to recommendations to reform the federal student aid system.
ECS to Boost College Completion Efforts in States
This two-year initiative, funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will work with state legislators to examine the impact of improved college completion rates on their state economies and identify strategies that promote degree attainment. The goal is to increase the number of state residents who earn a college credential and acquire high-demand, livable wage jobs.
SREB States Are Leaders in College Enrollment, But Need Even More Students to Reach Completion Goals
The Southern Regional Education Board’s 16-state region has nearly caught up with the nation in the percentage of recent high school graduates who enroll in college. But too many students don't make it that far, and many who start two- and four-year degrees and certificates do not finish them. These are among the findings of a new SREB report, Measuring Success by Degrees: The Status of College Completion in SREB States.